The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Quiz thing

Name four things that I wished I had:
[x] a house by the beach
[x] a cat
[x] $181,000.00
[x] my missing sandal

[x] Hair- dark brown,
[x] Height- 6 feet
[x] Eyes- hazel
[x] Worst feature- mutant toe
[x] Favorite Feature- plucked left nostril

Who do I want to:
[x] Kill- I plead the 5th
[x] Hear From- My old friends from college
[x] Look Like- Brad Pitt
[x] Be like- Nelson Mandela

Four things that you should
not do to me or while around me:
[x] Degrade people behind their backs
[x] Yell at your children excessively
[x] Fail to show respect for your lord and master, aka me.
[x] lie about the facts of your case

Do I:
[x] smoke- never
[x] drink- sometimes
[x] sleep with a "stuffie"- no.
[x] have a dream that keeps coming back- Yes. I can jump very high and I keep getting stuck in trees.
[x] believe that there is life on other planets-yes
[x] read the newspaper- a few times a week.
[x] have a gay or lesbian friend-My boss is a lesbian and I consider her a friend. A couple of others.
[x] believe in miracles- no.
[x] believe it's possible to remain faithful forever- Yes, but it has been a problem for me in relationships
[x] consider the police a foe or a friend- depends on whose witness they are.
[x] like the taste of alcohol- yes
[x] believe in astrology- no
[x] pray-no
[x] go to church- just for weddings and funerals.
[x] have any secrets- of course
[x] have any pets- The dog downstairs considers me part of his family but technically no.
[x] go to or plan on going to college- I�ll probably take some more classes at some point.
[x] wear hats- sometimes.
[x] have a degree- a few
[x] have any piercings- no.
[x] hate yourself- sometimes.
[x] wish on stars- no.
[x] like your hand writing- no. No one can read it.
[x] believe in satan- no.
[x] believe in witches- Just wiccans.
[x] believe in ghosts- no
[x] believe in vampires- no
[x] trust others easily- no.
[x] like sarcasm- What? Sarcasm? Me?.
[x] take walks in the rain-sometimes

Physical Features That I Admire In Other People:
[x] Pretty typical stuff in women. Thin, nice legs, big breasts, narrow face.

[x] Dilbert
[x] The Far Side
[x} Tom the Dancing Bug

[x] Hard to say. Like a lot.
Been in a Morrisey and the Smiths mood lately
Go through phases with different bands. Recent
Likes have been Dave Matthews, R.E.M., Bob Marley

TV Shows:
Don't have TV but I use the internet
to follow Survivor, David Letterman,
and Ebert and Roeper at the Movies

Kinds Of Clothing:
[x] dark suits
[x] wing tip shoes
[x] grungy clothes when not working

[x] The Last Picture Show
[x] Ghost in the Shell
[x] Un Coeur en Hiver
[x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail

[x] Diet coke with lime
[x] Pale Ale
[x] tea

Does your life suck?

Do you get picked on at school?
I did.

Do you get beat up at school?

Are you currently being cheated on?
Doubt it.

Do you cut yourself?
Hmm. No.

Do you weigh 140 or less and think you are fat?

Do you binge and purge?

Do you starve yourself?
When I'm very upset with my weight I may go
a couple of days without eating.

Do you have a terminal disease?
Doubt it. This cough I still have from February though..

How many people do you know with a terminal disease?

How many people do you know who have recently died?

Are/were they family members?

Are your parents divorced?
Yes. All of my brothers and sisters were happy when it happened.

Do you not get along with your siblings?
Just one at the moment.

Do you feel less than beautiful?
I don't feel beautiful but I'm not certain about the "less than" part.

Do you have bad skin?
Yes. Sometimes it will leave my body, steal my wallet, and use the money for liquor and women. Then I have to punish it.

Are you an alcoholic?
No. I drink a couple beers or wine coolers a week.

Are you a heavy drug user?
No. I'm not even a light drug user

Are you an attention whore?
Sometimes. It's a middle child thing

Are you a slut?

Do your ears stick out?

Is your penis small?
It's microscopic


Are your breasts small?

Can you afford the things you want?
Not all of them. Some of them can�t be bought

Can you afford the things you need?

Have you been fired recently?
Been fired a few times. Not recently

Are you missing a limb?

Are you pregnant?
With brilliant ideas

Do you overeat?

Do you have a learning disability?
I'm basically very stoopid.

Are you a waste of space?

What's your problem anyway?
I like potatoes.

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