The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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The ghost of Kurt Vonnegut err..Theodore Sturgeon, part 2

This is a follow-up to an entry entitled Vonnegut whispering in my ear made in April of last year.

Response to a personal - second try

I think it must be three years, and you are still using this thing eh? You disappeared for a few months and I thought, "Great, she's found someone."

I wrote to you about a year and a half ago quoting "the ghost of Kurt Vonnegut" who was apparently whispering in my ear. I realize now that it could not have been Kurt Vonnegut's ghost, because he is in fact still living. I think that it must have been deceased science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon, who Vonnegut frequently parodied with his fictional character "Kilgore Trout". Pretending to be a dead Kurt Vonnegut is exactly the sort of thing that the ghost of Theodore Sturgeon would try to do.

You wrote back and then asked for a picture. I sent it and then you did not write back again. Initially, I thought it must have been the picture, but then I realized my mistake and decided that you must have figured out how the ghost of Theodore Sturgeon was pretending to be the still alive Kurt Vonnegut. I felt very embarassed at being fooled to say the least, and so I decided I was better off letting the whole matter go.

In the meantime, I have had two relationships that lasted a few months and a number of assorted dates. I would assume that something similar has happened to you. But now I am thinking that perhaps we were both wrong in assuming that, because the ghost of Theodore Sturgeon was lying about being the not actually dead ghost of Kurt Vonnegut, he was also lying about how perfect we are for each other.

What if, in fact, the ghost of Theodore Sturgeon was actually NOT lying about our compatibility? What if he was lying only about being the ghost of Kurt Vonnegut? After all, Theodore Sturgeon is the source of the oft quoted phrase "99% of everything is crap." Perhaps he was not lying, but was afraid that if he revealed himself as Theodore Sturgeon we would assume that 99% of what he was saying was crap as well.

But why shouldn't we assume that what he was saying was crap? Well, look at where we are. It is a year and a half later, and you are still here, and I am still here. Doesn't that suggest something to you?

Think about it.

What can I say. Insanity is hereditary in my family.

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