The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Review: Rumble in the Jungle

This is my review of "Rumble in the Jungle" by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz. I found this book in the waiting room at court the other day. The most obvious problem is the title. Couldn't they have come up with anything more original? The International Movie Data Base lists one movie, one video, and one TV show with that name. Amazon lists two other books and one CD with the same title. Come on. How hard can it be to think up something more original than "Rumble in the Jungle".

I addition, I was very disturbed by the very inaccurate information found in this book, which was clearly intended for young people.

As an example, consider this:

The lion's the king of the jungle

Just listen how he roars!

Every animal quivers and shivers

As soon as he opens his jaws.

Lions don't live in the freckin jungle. They live on the plains. Way to give kids the wrong information, idiots. Also, I think there is a comma missing in that first sentence.

Then there is this one:

Elephants aren't purple. They are grey. And they don't have rosy cheeks or happy smiles. Geez. Did these people even bother to look at a picture of an actual elephant before drawing this picture? My three year old nephew could draw a better elephant than this.

Then check out:

Some animals laugh

At the the gangly giraffe

But I hold my head up and feel proud,

I really don't care

When my head's in the air

And my cheek's getting kissed by a cloud.

Giraffe's are tall, sure, but their heads don't reach into the freckin clouds! Giraffe are like 16 to 18 feet tall. The lowest clouds are about 6000 feet up. There's quite a bit of difference there. Also, the mouth on that giraffe is pretty messed up. It looks like a duck bill.

Finally, we have

Hello, I'm a big happy hippo

I sleep in the sun to get hot

And when I'm not sleeping

I mooch in the mud,

Which hippos like doing a lot

Hippopotamuses are not "happy". They are responsible for more deaths in Africa than lions, probably many of them of because of misinformation perpetuated by books like this. Also, they aren't pink.

In sum, this book sucks big time. Do not buy it for your children. If they go to Africa after reading this, they will be disappointed because of its inaccuracies, and it may possibly lead to their deaths. ("Mommy, mommy can I go play with the hippo?" "Sure darling, this book says they are happy." CHOMP.) Check your local school to see if they have a copy of this book, and, if they do, urge them to have it removed and destroyed.

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