Random Mutterings of a Transatlantic Mind

Advent Calendar (the complete list)
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Remember the parcel from home?

Well, now it's December, I've started opening my daily gifts.

I decided to put this list here and keep adding to it - so you can 'share'.

I'm wondering now, whether listing the contents will reveal things about me, that you didn't already know?
....hmmm, that's an interesting/scary(?) thought.

Anyway, let's see.

1st - A book of Christmas templates, for arts & crafts.

2nd - Blackberry and Nutmeg Incense Sticks

3rd - An indian fabric coin purse (not easy to describe, sorry)

4th - Christmas card 'hang-ups'

5th - A bath sponge

6th - A note book

7th - Wild Bluebell scented drawer sachet

8th - A very small carved elephant (this brought a tear to my eye). It's over 90 years old and I first saw, and admired, it on my last trip back to England.

9th - Pens

10th - Coaster saying "if in doubt...add more wine"

11th - Poster pins

12th - 'The best things in life begin with J'- a little book of quotations.

13th - 'The Smallest Juicer in the World'

14th - 'Jedburgh Abbey' pencil sharpener

15th - An enamelled ball-point pen

16th - A tiny hand-made fabric covered journal

17th - Super Glue

18th - Tape

19th - 'Danger - Man at Barbie' drink mats

20th - Chip clips

21st - Crafter's glue stick

22nd - A cuddly Yorkshire Sheep!. SO reminiscent of home.

23rd - Craft Accessories.

24th - A decoration 'Cold hands, warm heart' (may the warmth of Christmas hold you close)

When I thanked Mum, she said she had struggled towards the end to find things - only to come across early ideas (after the parcel had been sent) which had been stored in a 'safe' place and completely forgotten about.

I loved the whole thing, mostly because it made me sit down and take time out of the Christmas chaos, to think about my family 'over the pond' and to realise that, despite the distance, the love is still there.

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