Cheesehead in Paradise
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Friday Five: Practice Makes Perfect
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Songbird writes:

Tell us four things you have made a practice at some time or other in your life. Feel free to interpret the word "practice" as widely and deeply as you like. Did you stick with it? Was it too much? Did it change you?

Then tell us one thing you might like to try that requires practice, attention or commitment. Think of it as a request for supportive thoughts and prayers, if that helps.

I'm a Janey-come-lately to Lent, so my experience with Lenten practice is limited. But I have done some other types of things in my life that required practice and committment:

1. Choral singing with a really kick-ass director. it spoiled me for most other types of singing, however. But I do sing every day, mostly in my car.

2. Yoga for a brief time. I took a class recently at Hookey Dookey health club, one labeled as a beginner class, but alas, it was not "beginner" enough for me.

3. Something I commited to in seminary that I was rather successful at is the way I organized my school work. I made a huge chart out of plain old posterboard I bought at the drug store. Using a yard stick and some Sharpies, I put the entire academic calendar for the semester on it, then I labeled it with every reading assignment, paper, and project I had to do in the semester, highlighting them according to course, and marking them off when finished. It really helped to mark the passage of time and to remind me how hard I was working. I hung this in the kitchen, near the table where I did most of my studying. I also made laminated book marks out of tagboard for each of my text books, on which I wrote the page numbers for each assignment, and the date I had to have it read by. On a bookshelf in the living room I stacked each text book in order that the readings were due, so that I never had to look to see what to read next. This saved me so much time that I didn't have to spend digging through syllabi to figure out what to do next! I never missed a reading or had a late assignment this way. Anal, yes, but it worked.

4. I have tried almost every diet on the planet, with mixed results.

5. The more I read about knitting, the more I want to try it. I'm afraid at Mondo conference, y'all will only be able to recognize me as the one without yarn!

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