Audra DeLaHaye
Working from the World Within

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Proof that Advertising Works
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Well, I have made a sale a Impecunious Impressions as a result of my advertisement in "Encounter Calhoun County."

How do I know it is a direct result of my ad? Because all the items purchased were related to Calhoun County.

Yes, a lady in Ohio purchased a Calhoun Proud teddy bear, a Calhoun Sunflower teddy bear, 2 Calhoun County 1856-2006 rectangle magnets, 2 Calhoun Chronicle bumper stickers, and an Encounter Calhoun pink women's t-shirt.

(See Calhoun-themed items at, if you wish.)

That's a pretty good sale as far as I'm concerned, and the ad has only been in circulation for five days.


Doesn't take much to impress me does it? That whole sale made me a little over $6. Whoo Hoo. But I don't want to knock it. It paid the "rent" for the online store this month, which means my little hobby is at least paying for itself.

No, the cool thing about it is that someone I don't even know in Ohio is going to be wearing one of my t-shirts. They might put my bumper stickers on their cars.

Could you imagine driving down the road, and looking up at the car in front of you to see a bumper sticker you designed? To me that's just the coolest thing.

At Christmas, a Calhouner visited my store and purchased one of my 100-year flood plain sweatshirts for her daughter. Her daughter works in FEMA headquarters in Washington D.C. and she worked in the Gulf after Katrina.

So one of my political shirts is being worn among the entities of which the issue is most pressing. One of my flood issue shirts was theoretically seen by the biggest flood issue people in the world this year.

(See flood-issue designs at if you wish.)

These things seems to make the world a little bit smaller.

So anyway, that's a little good feeling coming my way from and Ohio lady, and she doesn't even know it. Now, I hope some people respond to the Beautiful Blooms full-page ad that I designed for the Town of Grantsville.

In this ad (full page, full color, on the back cover) urges folks to send flower bulbs and starts and seeds to the town to be planted around and beautify Grantsville.

(And in fine print, it asks for $ for the town hall fund.)

This ad is the only direct response venue for the readers. The town will be able to measure the success of the ad I created for them by the reponse (or lack thereof). I'm a little anxious that there will be no flowers. . .

So, if you are a gardener, and have extra perennial anythings, consider mailing them to:
Beautiful Blooms
P.O. Box 493
Grantsville, WV 26147

That way, I won't look like a complete idiot.


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