Audra DeLaHaye
Working from the World Within

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I'll Have to Explain That
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Journalscapers who are NOT from central West Virginia are likely reading the last entry thinking, "What?"

Let me try to explain.

You all got stuck with all this Calhoun County crap when TheLoneMethranger brought his formerly printed newsletter to the Internet.

He should have charged for those print and disc copies, they were more popular than the chronicle has ever been.

That was the Calhoun magnet to journalscape.

While I was checking in, I discovered EdgeofTheAbyss was a Calhouner writing well, and began checking in on him.

And netter, and outtamyhead, then kentuckypine and Reenie, and thus, had to have a blog of my own.

Meanwhile, since TheLoneMethranger is so controversial and involves legal cases and cops and what not, the Big Boys began watching.

And for a while, it went along, and it all was interesting enough.

Then Todd Smith launched his blog, GrantsvillesNews.

Oh my, did the web traffic fly!

And now, anyone with Internet in Calhoun County stops by.

So, let's just say hi, shall we?

Hi to the lady who works with me, the extension office, the development office, my mom, my aunt, my niece, My girlfriends in Gilmer, and my sister.

Hi to TheLoneMethRanger.

Hi to the Journalscape buddies.

You've all been great, and thanks for the input - online or in person.

Hi to the state police. Hi to the sheriff's office, the prosecutor's office, the special prosecutor's office and likely, the rest of the courthouse.

(They just watch you know. They're not allowed to participate.)

Hello to city council members. Past and present.

(I'm betting there's at least one commissioner hanging around as well.)

See, the gang's all here - and if not, soon will be.

What journalscapers may not know, and what I find rather interesting myself, is that I have never met EdgeofTheAbyss, TheLoneMethranger or GrantsvillesNews in person.

In a small town, that strikes me as odd.

In fact, I have yet to meet the state police investigators or the special prosecutor.

But just think, when that happens - it'll be like we're old friends.


If you're from Calhoun and you're reading this, seriously, check in if you want to. You haven't been caught reading my diary.

It's a blog - out there for all to see - not so different than my weekly column in your newspaper.

And if you're not Calhoun - - smile, and wave to the crowd.

Want to know more about DeLaHaye? Visit her web site at WV Travelers , or her online store at Impecunious Impressions, or read her weekly column at The Calhoun Chronicle.

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