Audra DeLaHaye
Working from the World Within

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I spent most of yesterday dusting.

That's right, dusting took all day.

I am not big on knick-knacks, and most of the "special" items tucked away on my shelves are either old (like metal toy cars or copper trinket boxes) or memories (like the small bottles of colored sand Frank and I made at the Walnut Festival nine years ago.)

My problem, really, is the pictures.

I have more shelves covered with picture frames than I do with books.

Books can't really be dusted.

Picture frames MUST be dusted.

* * * *

In addition, a friend recently gave me an old china cabinet (thanks, D) which has become home to my Wizard of Oz collection.

Finally, a decent home for Dorothy and the gang.

I realize, the minds of many who read this will register the movie only when I mention WOO, but what started it all for me, years ago, as a child, was a collection of books.

You know the movie only covered book one.

There's thirteen more after that.

Some people were big on Nancy Drew (my sister), others grew up with The Hardy Boys.

I grew up with my mind venturing repeatedly into the fantastical Kingdom of Oz.

Worlds where people grow in the garden, and it snows popcorn. Where buildings are all glass, or where chicken eggs are toxic to the underground king.

Anyway, over time, by collection has been displayed, moved, packed away, shoved into two shelves - all depending an the status of my life.

At least half of it had been packed away in boxes until yesterday, with no room for display.

But now, the collection has a home - protected even by glass.


It makes me want to go on ebay and bid on more WOO stuff.

* * * * *

It is lily season in the garden.

I have over 100 daylilies blooming, and nearly 80 Asiatic lilies blooming in bright reds and yellows.

They're just fabulous, and the hummingbirds and butterflies have been regulars since the first bloom sprung open.

When they're finished blooming, I'll have to dig many of them up as I am out of room, and they're getting crowded.

I must be feeling better about Grantsville, because I'm thinking of transplanting some of them there.

* * * *

Speaking of plants in town, I spent Friday morning filling and arranging a huge planter on the sidewalk right outside my office door.

My office is on the second floor of an old building, and if someone is walking down the sidewalk, close to the building fronts, and we come flying down the stairs?

Well, they could get plowed over as we come out the door.

So, my publisher gave me a big pot and some dirt, and I dug a Rose of Sharon, Iris, and Vinca from my garden, and Friday morning, one of the street people (guys without jobs who hang out at the courthouse) helped me plant and fill it.

We took bets from passers by on how long it will be there before someone either steals it, or complains.

Bets ranged from one day to never.

I have next Wednesday at noon.

* * * * *

It appears that before long, EdgeofTheAbyss and I may be the only remaining Calhoun-relateds on journalscape.

TheLoneMethRanger has ceased publication because of the hassle he's getting on his home confinment, and GrantsvillesNews says he's getting his own server.

He also says I'm a Bi*ch, so, you can see how much you can depend on the accuracy of his words.


* * * *

We now have all but one field of hay put up, and this year I got to drive the tractor.

Woo Hoo!

That's much better than tossing bales onto the wagon.

Much better.

Yesterday though, I got the loaded wagon stuck in the creek crossing.


* * * *

I also hung the hammock yesterday on the back porch.

I believe every home should have a hammock in the shade.

Our old one was getting a little weak and we were losing faith about putting our full weight in it.

My niece and nephew got us a much sturdier one for Christmas though this past season, and it is now in place.

We'll sleep there on hot nights, as we have no air conditioning.

We'll also spend many quiet evenings there cuddling, as we have no tv.

I love the hammock.

I'll put it right up there with the bathtub on the list of creature comforts.

* * * *

We're off to the lake again today, and since the last time I posted that in my journal we got pulled over and hassled and ticketed by a cop,

AND since I don't think that was a coincidence:

Bring it on, buddy boy, this time I'm ready.

Bikini, video camera, tape recorder, towell and raft.

Our beach supply bag just got bigger.

* * * *

It's a beautiful day here in West Virginia, and I hope the rest of you are having the same.

* * * * *

Happy Father's Day, Daddy, I miss you - and I know you can hear me up there.

Want to know more about DeLaHaye? Visit her web site at WV Travelers , or her online store at Impecunious Impressions, or read her weekly column at The Calhoun Chronicle.

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