My Journal

My feet will wander in distant lands, my heart drink its fill at strange fountains, until I forget all desires but the longing for home.

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A Picture!

My Picture is online, available for download, for the next three months. At .

So please, go ahead and download it if you like. It's not the most flattering picture ever -- I'm too busy enjoying the koala. Hope it shows.

I spent the last two days in the company of a wonderful young university student, Edwin, who was conscripted to show me around by his father. The father, Wingo, is a friend of my friend Annie from Christchurch. So Edwin has taken me to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, the Queensland University, on a scenic catamaran ride along the Brisbane River, into the art museum, and for light shopping (edibles) in the Queen Street Mall. And that was just the first day. The second was dedicated to a longish drive to reach the rainforest area of Lamington National Park, and then hiking and exploring its unique rainforest canopy walk and waterfalls. Delicious.

It's been marvelous, and there's a bit yet to go. I'm off to see another museum today, and then a walk in the drier littoral forests near town, the Mt. Coot-tha Reserve which has modern aboriginal art along a 1-2 k walk, as well as spectacular views of the city and surrounds.

Thanks again to everybody who helped me get here -- I'm looking forward to seeing many of you as I return home.

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