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blither with links

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Poems for the Unwary

Some of you may not exactly want to read poems. And others of you have very little interest in ongoing updates on the details of my research into sustainability careers, any more than I really care about the job issues of the random IT people blogging their daily woes. But they say "write what you know" ... and I'd rather get your comments while it's raw, than after decisions have been made that might be awkward to reverse.

I have below two choices for you: one the thoughtful writings of a sustainability guy from Canada, the other some poetry I wrote in response.

I'm not including the poems as my entry here, because I don't have a lot of faith in my own ability to write good poetry while procrastinating on other commitments. Like, I was intending to go for a bike ride today, which was gorgeously sunny. And to finish and package and send those brush paintings, maybe finally go back to the aikido club here, plant my seedlings, or even accomplish something simple like laundry and dishwashing. And in the past few hours I've been consumed by a desire to go out for ice cream... and should also have been on my way to going to bed. All of which, I'm ignoring in order to read and write via glowing electronics.

Hopefully, spending all evening on the computer instead will count as productive in the long run: "researching" and writing, two strong candidates for my future career. But I remain aware that these are functioning as an excuse to avoid going out into the world, rather than a driving force.

So, instead of obfuscatory blither, you get guilty blither.

Below are the two links, which you can choose at your pleasure:

The first is to the site I was reading this afternoon, a respectable forestry-sustainability guy from Canada (Patrick Moore) writing mostly what I consider to be good sense. E.g. If you cut down all the forests to plant hemp for paper, are you really saving the trees? And, If mining interests hire geologists and engineers to manage the earth-moving aspects of their operation, they ought to also hire (and listen to) public-participation facilitators and ecological experts to manage the local impacts of their proposals. A sensible, practical, insightful approach to problems that are being hyped or ignored by others.

The Esoterica link is where to find my own poetry. the first four poems are new, in response to the above, and to some other stuff I've been exploring about natural cycles and social dynamics. Specifically, Panarchy (check the bibliography, it's a book associated with the Resilliance Alliance's work), and I crashed a City Repair meeting that touched on organization transitions.
Ideally, the poems distill something universal from the above. I'd love feedback, including a brief "crap/interesting/wow" response, or technical editing. Comment using the button on this page, or to the email address on that page, or anyway you care to reach me...

Poems: Esoterica

If you don't like science or poems, well, I guess you're just checking in to see that I'm alive.
Which I probably am.
(I'll be more certain after I get away from this glowing screen and unfreeze my joints!)

Take care,


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