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My feet will wander in distant lands, my heart drink its fill at strange fountains, until I forget all desires but the longing for home.

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Orange Juice

I was eating some apricot custard I made last night (because I didn’t have papaya), and a glass of orange juice, on my way to bed at [way too late] in the morning.

And I was thinking.
I do this a lot, thinking.
I thought about orange juice.
I thought about thinking about orange juice last time I drank some.
I thought about telling somebody my thoughts about orange juice, in between these two drinks.

I like orange juice, but it’s not really a local flavor for the Pacific Northwest. (Especially when there’s fresh cloudy cider somewhere out there.... I keep wanting to go south, into the hills and orchards near here, and see if I can find somebody selling their own cider.)

Then I was thinking about ways to make something like orange juice, from local ingredients. There was a guy at a farmer’s market who did cider combos, with lemon or other ingredients, that were pretty good. But lemon’s not local, though it would mean a smaller proportion of imported citrus... what else is sour?
Sour-grass (sorel), rhubarb... rose hips ... I’m sure there’s some combination that would be a marvelous Vitamin C pick-me-up for winter mornings....but it still wouldn’t be orange juice.

The guy I was talking to chuckled, and suggested checking out Tribe.Net. There’s a tribe for everything, he said.

And I said, I like good websites, but I’m finding I spend more than enough time online these days, and it’s much more satisfying getting out and talking to people.

Made me think again....

maybe I write,
because it’s a way to let the words out
when nobody's there to listen.

Beats waking you up at 2 AM, to unload my brain at the end of the day....I’m sure you’ll agree. Though that would give me the chance to listen to you, too...

I like hearing from you.

Hey! How about apricot nectar? It's orange, and yummy...


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