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Wedding Planning I: the Minister

There's a private entry with more details for friends and family.

We're still looking for a minster or officiator who combines some of these desirable qualities:
- Knows Erica
- Knows Ernie
- Likes how we are together
- Is able and willing to perform a legal marriage ceremony in an outdoor setting. Ministers, judges; we're checking with the Multnomah County Clerk.
- Represents the communities we turn to for help, solace, and celebration: family, friends, our hometowns, connection to the outdoors and nature, our mentors and learning traditions.
- Is comfortable in an ecumenical / multifaith setting
(Ernie was raised Southern Baptist and disliked the experience; his mother is now Messianic Jewish. Erica was raised Catholic by an Episcopalian Buddhist, and liked the experience; her family includes Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and non-religious practitioners. Our friends include agnostics, athiests, pagans, and practicing members of Buddhist temples, Native American Church, Unitarian, Peacemaker, Christian, and Wiccan traditions.)
- Will remain connected to us and our children through family, community, or both.

We may have our witnesses or wedding party fulfill some of these roles, and arrange for a judge or other civil authority to "solemnize" the paperwork.

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