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Parenting Tips From A Website
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If your child is ready to use the toilet, it usually takes about six weeks from first introducing the potty to the time she's going on her own and staying dry most of the time.

Even after your child is staying dry during the day, it can be months and even years before your child can make it through the night.

Although potty training is a big milestone -- and one much anticipated by parents! -- you'll want to be sure your toddler is ready. Forcing toilet training on a child who is really resisting can backfire. Instead, try to make potty time fun (read stories, sing songs). Offer non-food rewards like stickers or trips to the park. And don't make your child stay on the toilet if she doesn't want to.

On average, kids in the United States are toilet trained between 2 and 3 years old. And -- sorry! -- there's no relationship between when a child is potty trained and how smart she is.

How will you know when she's ready for potty training? Here are two signs: If she can sit still long enough to go -- between three and five minutes. And if she's interested in watching YOU go to the toilet.

Some little ones have a bowel movement right after dinner or right before bed, like clockwork. Others' poop habits are less predictable. Most of the time it's not a problem. When to worry? If there are major changes, such as much more frequent pooping, painful stools, blood in the stools, or ongoing diarrhea, check with your doctor.

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