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Bad Day
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Ugh. Today was not a good day. It wasn't horrible, but it really wasn't good either. I think this falls into the bad day category.

I woke up this morning to find myself violently ill. I've been having some stomach problems recently and things this morning were ... icky to say the least. Because I was worried about being sick a lot, I had considered peeing on a stick tonight just to make sure my problems were from a stomach bug and not a baby inside of me. I didn't end up needing to pee on the stick because that time of the month started this afternoon. This is also not a good thing because tomorrow will be the worst day - the kind where I'm in the bathroom every 15 minutes or so because otherwise I leak - which is going to be hard to do when I have a very long hair appointment. *sigh* So, that was my morning.

The job hunt went crappy today and when the mail came in I got another rejection letter from another law firm. The main difference between this one and the others I have received is that this one was a connection who was supposed to give me an interview at the very least. I am starting to rapidly believe that I am, indeed, an unemployable Yeti.

Rob got home from work and we both needed pedicures so I thought it would be a good idea to get them done tonight. After a day like this I could use some pampering. Yet another bad idea. We got to the mall a bit early and looked around in some shops and picked up a few things at Bath and Body Works. We then headed to our pedicure appointments. The place was full to capacity so we had to wait about a half an hour, but it really wasn't a big deal. We had requested to be seated next to each other so that we could get done at the same time. That really didn't work out. We did get seated next to each other, but Rob just sat there waiting around for someone to get to him and no one even started in on his feet until after my pedicure was over and done with.

I am never going back to that nail place on a Friday night. Normally, I like my nail place (it's in the Burbank mall), but on a Friday night they're rushed because of the crowd and tend to do a half assed job. During the pedi the lady snipped something she shouldn't have snipped which hurt like hell. I was bleeding and she kept digging. I had to tell her to stop about 20 times because she didn't understand English and when I told her it hurt she told me that I probably had an ingrown nail. *sigh* I know what an ingrown nail is and I did not have one. It hurt because I was bleeding. FINALLY I got it through to her to put the fucking pokey thing away. The rest of the pedi was uneventful until she painted my nails. It's not that hard to paint someone's toe nails, it really isn't. But I got the retard of the night who for some reason did THREE coats of polish (not including the base and the top coat). She managed to miss a good part of a few of my nails. There's polish on half of some of my toes only. I really don't know how the hell she managed to miss that. Also, because of the number of coats she put on and the fact that she did it in rapid succession, the polish started to make weird bubbles. This is probably the worst pedicure I have ever gotten (especially since she made me bleed). Like I said, today was just not my day.

Rob's pedi didn't go so well either. During the massage part the lady hit something wrong in his foot that made a crunching sound. It really hurt his foot and he had a hard time walking for a bit after the pedi. Like I said, from now on I'm going when they aren't in a rush. *sigh*

After the pedis we stopped at the drug store and picked up some food at Subway to bring home with us. Then we lounged around the house for a bit and we'll probably head to bed sometime soon. Rob's about to pass out soon and although I'm not tired yet I really wouldn't mind this day just coming to an end.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. Especially since my hair is going from blonde to red.



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