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Completely Exhausted
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I feel like crying and I can barely put a cohesive thought together. I'm exhausted to the point of being sick.

Last night was horrible. I didn't get any sleep at all. Between the thunderstorm from hell (I can't sleep during thunder and lightning) and Gabriel freaking out and spending most of the night screaming, I didn't get any sleep. Today, it's hitting me hard.

My head hurts so bad, it's like an immense pressure is inside of it and any minute my eyeballs are going to pop out of my head and my head will explode. I'm dizzy and can barely stand or walk withing falling over. I've almost passed out more times than I can count. My stomach feels like it's on fire and I've already thrown up the juice I tried having for breakfast. I'm using all of my energy just trying to stay awake. It hurts to stay awake. It physically hurts so bad it's making me want to cry. I desperately need sleep.

If I had a normal job, I'd have taken today off. I'm non-functional. But, I can't take a day off from what I do. Gabriel's not even tired and I just can't keep up with him.

The in-laws are arriving tonight and we have plans to go to dinner with them. As soon as I get home from that I'm going to sleep.

I need sleep so bad. I'm hungry, and I can't hold down anything - not even liquid.


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Victor Van Dort
Victor Van Dort
Proper and humble, you don't truly realize your worth. Sure, you might run into a few people who overlook just how awesome you are, but that doesn't mean that you're not. In fact, the people who will mean the most to you in your life will see you for all your value right from the start.

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