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Busted Rib, Errands, And A New Entertainment Center
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Friday night we wanted to watch Saw 6, but yet again we couldn't because Gabriel was awake for far too long into the night. We'll watch it, maybe, eventually. Luckily Netflix has no return date so we can keep it as long as we need it.

Saturday morning I headed to the vet's office to pick up the potassium pills for Sydney. They were way more expensive than I thought they would be. Over fifty bucks for one bottle. Insane. From there we headed out to the drug store so I could get two of my prescriptions (which were also insanely expensive). We then headed to Kid Do's for Gabriel's hair cut appointment only to find out that Jen, the girl we always go to, no longer worked there. We were told that the night before she just up and quit. That doesn't sound like her, but it's the only thing we've heard about that. So, they gave us Tami. Luckily, Tami was really good and Gabriel's hair looked great. So, we'll be seeing her from now on. I think she's also the owner of the kids salon.

We then headed to Sonic for lunch and got some of our errands done. We made a Fresh Market run followed by a Babies R Us run. When we came home I wasn't feeling too well, so I took a little nap.

Later in the day we headed to get Long John Silvers for dinner and then came back home and gamed.

Sunday we headed out to the Thai Asian market to pick up some Chinese mustard and then we headed to Pick N Save for our weekly grocery shop. After that, I put some gas in my car and took it though the car was because it had pretty much turned into a salt lick.

We ended up doing Sonic again for lunch and then headed back to Steinhoffels to get an entertainment center. We want something bigger where we can store DVDs and where the DVD player and the Wii won't be within Gabriel's reach. We had found one we liked last weekend, but needed to do some measurements to make sure that our old tube TV would fit on it since it's meant for a flat screen TV. We're glad we bought it this weekend. They had a 25% off sale (which they had last weekend as well), but for President's day they also had an additional 6% off as well. It will be delivered next Saturday.

We then came back home for a bit and headed out later in the day. We made a stop at a game store and then headed into Milwaukee to pick up Buca di Beppo for dinner. I am so disappointed in Buca! They no longer make the spicy aribiatta pizza! I loved that thing so chances are we'll be doing Buca a lot less from now on. They suck taking that off of the menu.

When we got home we ate dinner and watched The Amazing Race.

So, onto the busted rib. I injured one of the ribs on my back. It hurts like hell and while I can limit my movement enough so that I don't do something to make it worse, I cannot stop my breathing and it hurts badly every time I inhale. I'm taking Advil for the pain and keeping a Tiger Balm patch on it during the day and using the Tiger Balm rub on it at night. That's helping, but damn, it hurts. Hopefully, it'll get better soon.


The Dialectician
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People may find you unconvincing, or are so confident in their knowledge they don't recognize the challenges you can produce. But the dialectician has usually been recognized as ahead of her time, eventually.

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