Writings, Thoughts and Happenings

I was born in the late 1970s. I grew up in West Virginia, went to five different schools for undergraduate in three different states, finishing at the University of Pittsburgh. I had obtained degrees in English Literature and Film Studies, and had satisfied or nearly satisfied requirements for a multitude of minors. Then, upon realizing that I would need a day job in order to be able to chase my dreams in these two fields, I chose to go to law school. I am out of law school now. I live in Pennsylvania now. To know the rest you'll have to read on a bit.
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Filming My Movie-- Need Actors

Okay, so I have determined that my movie, How to Fail the Bar Exam, which I wrote after being laid off almost two years ago is going to be filmed this summer. My friend Mike and I have done all of the storyboarding, and all that is left is to buy the camera (Cheaper to buy than to rent, so please don't post any renting info back to me.), cast it and film.

Which brings me to a slight problem. Every girl I know has asked to be in this film-- granted, most just want a part given to them, and do not want to audition-- but all of the female parts but two very small roles, are cast. No, the problem is that I need actors to fill the roles of the male characters-- like 5 larger roles, and one hilarious bit part. I seem to have all of the extras I could handle. (I will be honest, though-- over half of them will not show or will have something else to do when I need them.)

Then there is the way that this "talent" treats this project. My favorite is the comment, "Well, I'm not available until this summer, so unless you put it off until then, I can't help you." WHAT?!!

Yeah, I can't afford to pay, but the whole project is going to revolve around when I get money, not some actor's final exam schedule. Not that I don't have the greatest appreciation for all of those people who volunteer their talents to make this dream of mine come true-- but at least acknowledge that you don't even have a role yet when making this comment. And know that if I were to function around the schedules of the talent, then I would have my camera people working on different days from my actors, which is just counterintuitive to the whole filming process.

So I have a big begging situation here:

If anyone knows any men who are willing and able to take two to three weeks out of their lives this summer to participate in my film, AND are talented actors, and unfortunately, two of these roles must be filled by clean-ish cut looking guys, please refer them to me. Respond to this journal entry and I will give you my contact info.

Oh, yeah, and I am filming in August, even if I have to play all of the roles myself.

So I leave you with the following thought which awakened me last week, with a background soung blaring in my mind of Alice Cooper's "It's Me." This thought: "If Elvis Costello really is punk rock, then punk rock changed my life. But Bob Dylan is Bob Dylan to me." I have listened to way too much Sublime, I think, when I wake up arguing with Brad Knowles' samples.

M.I.A. Rules.

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