Pictures of Life

Cake #2
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Today I decorated cake #2.

Here it is:

A few interesting pieces of information:

The cake itself was a semi disaster. It stuck to the pan when I took it out. Then when I wanted to transfer it from the cooling rack to the board, it cracked and basically broke in two. Luckily, the break was right where the middle of the book was and icing can cover a lot of mistakes!!

This cake decorating was mostly about making roses. It wasn't awful, but it did take some time to get them right. I ended up with three decent ones:


We also did what's called a shell border around both the upper and lower edge of the cake. Unfortunately, the teacher forgot to have me use the comb on the edges of the cake first to make it look at least somewhat more page like.

I liked the e border that we did last week better, but it was also easier to get nice looking, I think. Mine looked fine, but not great.

We also did a bookmark down the middle of the book, it was made using two colors of icing side by side in one bag, it was a neat tip that made these ruffles on the edges without any work, just move the tip along and there the ruffles were.

You can sort of see the bookmark in the very left of this picture:


We also did stems (easy) and leaves (somewhat easy). The half of the book with the flowers looked like this:


The next cake is a filled one with more different flowers. I'm thinking of doing a chocolate cake with cherry filling, but I'm not sure yet. I'm also thinking of doing a different frosting, but they say that a real buttercream is difficult to use for flowers and stuff as it's somewhat melty and won't hold up as well. I'm thinking of perhaps buttercream frosting and then using the other stuff just for the decorations. Eh, that's not for another week, so there's plenty of time to figure it out.

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