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Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension.
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Murder He Wrote

Well its Friday which doesn't mean much if you aren't a wage slave which thankfully I'm not, but does if you are, as I remember well.

So that's one reason to be cheerful and a second one is that I managed by sheer luck to see one of the last Concorde flights as it dawdled over the nearby little town while I was driving back after doing the daily run to our excellent Coop store. I have seen it many times, close up on four or five occasions and heard it thousands of times as it went supersonic out over the Bristol Channel, or vice-versa.

What a great aeroplane and who cares if its not eco-friendly, at least it shows what the Brits can do (or could do) better than either the Yanks or the Russians. Compared with those horrible jumbo things it was a piece of really class engineering. Now I suppose we'll have to suffer endless flights with crap food and no room to stretch out. Gone are the days when you could get to New York and back in the same day with champagne all the way.

Another reason to be cheerful is that I have started on the next chapter of Inch Worm and spent a good few hours editing and revising the first few, so phooey to brick walls and writer's blocks - well at least for a few days until I discover the usual logical snaggaroo that always turns up.

What else? Well I can report that my cold is doing well, even if I'm not, that New Zealand beat Tonga by some obscenely large score and that Wales are playing Italy tomorrow morning so that will be fun to watch since at their last meeting Italy won, as well as being the snappier dressers. (World Rugby Championship currently being held in Australia for those non devotees amongst us), and that it has been a really gorgeously sunny day. Having been in Australia around this time of year I am very glad I'm in Scotland, if you understand me. I'm constantly amazed at how downright drop-dead beautiful Scotland is in the Autumn (Fall) and this year the colours are certainly the equal of New England.

So as October draws to a close, there is still hope that I can finish this damn book before Xmas and I'm not even thinking about the other half dozen that are in various stages of completion. Who cares if they may never get published or that nobody gives a damn whether they do or not? Carpe Diem and today's been a quite a good diem to carpe.

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