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I love power tools
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Today was a good day, although I was somewhat short on sleep after picking Jed up at SFO at one in the morning. His flight was supposed to get in around 7, but apparently there were several problems, including thunder and lightning storms in the Toronto area, some broken part on his airplane, and a long wait for the catering truck to arrive on the tarmac. Blagh. But he arrived safely, and I was glad to see him, and give him the hug that he clearly needed after 24 hours of traveling from Glasgow. And a ride home -- I couldn't bear the thought of him having to find an airport shuttle or deal with a taxi after being en route so long, and it being, you know, one in the morning.

So I didn't get quite enough sleep, but I took myself out to breakfast and read my new Laurie King novel (the newest in the Mary Russell/Sherlock holmes series), Locked Rooms. And then I took a nap, which was excellent. What better way to start the morning than with breakfast out, a good book, and a nap? I'm telling ya.

But the main excellent thing I did today was I installed my new drapery hardware in the living room. With power tools. I love power tools. Actually, the only power tool I own is my new Ryobi 12-volt cordless drill/driver. With an extra battery pack. But it's a power tool and it's all mine. Mine, I tell you! Mine! (Mwah ha ha!) So I felt all kickass, because I did it all on my own, and I figured out the problems, and I figured out the solutions, and I just did it.

I'm off to Portland tomorrow for my brother's graduation, and I don't know what to get him. It's getting kind of late for finding presents, but I have to get something! I think he probably already has a cordless drill/driver, or I'd get him that, and I can't afford to buy him a motorcycle, so I'm kind of stuck. And he's thinking about selling his house, so I'm not sure I want to get him some housey thing. And I have this faint notion that the quilt I'm making him won't be finished by tomorrow. Or, in fact, by his birthday, which is in early September. So that's out too. Erk!

I wish I knew what to give him. Maybe he wants an iPod or something. Maybe he already has one. And his girlfriend is going out of town, so I can't ask her. Grrr.

Anyway, I should at least show up with a card, you think?

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