Babbling into the Void

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Rex Weyler has written a great article in this month's Shared Vision (jeez, I really need to learn how to link!)...

According to my team of researchers, thousands of people in Canada and the US believe there is no conspiracy among the rich and powerful to become richer and more powerful. No-Conspiracy Theorists believe that Free Trade has something to do with freedom... that the US invaded Iraq to free the people.

"Access to oil," say most NCTs, "had nothing to do with it." When asked why the US has not freed the people of, say, Tibet or Burma, they scoff: "The US can't liberate everyone, not without some support."

No-Conspiracy Theorists are not new. In the 15th century, Florentine NCTs doubted that the murder of Baldaccio d'Anghiari was related to di Medici family schemes. They believed there was no proof that the duke ordered Battista to assasinate Annibale or that the Venetien commissaries were insincere in joining the throngs in the piazza and clipping Battista.

NCTS tend to believe...

... that back in the 70s, the murder of Salvador Allende had no connection to Pepsi sales in Chile. Just because Richard Nixon met with Pepsi chairman Donald Kendall and Chilean banker Don Agustin Edwards at the White House and ordered CIA Director Richard Helms to make "a major effort... to prevent Allende's accension to power," doesn't mean they had anything to do with killing Allende, much less with the thousands of other people that General Pinochet's secret police killed, even the ones pushed out of American helicopters.

... that Vietnamese gunboats attacked US ships in the Tonkin Gulf in 1964.

... that George Bush won the 2000 elections far and square

... that CNN and Fox provide balanced news.

... that the $1.38 billion no-bid contract handed to Halliburton in Iraq has nothing to do with the $34 million that Vice President Dick Cheney received from Halliburton last year.

... that the $680 million contract to Betchel Corporation wasn't connected to Betchel donations to Republican politicians. ("There's no clear linkage," says NCT and Betchel executive assistant Anna Pauley. "Show me the paper trail.")

... that "none or very little" of the $1.4 trillion stolen from American taxpayers in the S&L scandal ended up in the political coffers of the Bush family. (Sure, Jeb and Neill Bush defaulted on millions, and their dad launched the first "Gulf War" days after the scandal broke, but that doesn't prove a connection.)

... that there is no link between US tolerance of Saudi torture chambers--or even the occasional use of those facilities--and Bush ties to the Saudi Royal Family. ("Okay," says engineer Dub Green, "George Bush Sr. did provide training for the Saudi elite guard as CIA Director, made investments with Osama's older brother Salem Bin Laden, and with Khalid bin Mahfouz who ran the Suadi royal family's bank, but that doesn't mean there was a conspiracy.")

Thank, Rex.
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Unfortunately, there are more SWITIAC/IJTWTA (So-What-If-There-Is-A-Conspircacy/It's-Just-The-Way-Things-Are) fatalists out there than NCTs.

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