Babbling into the Void

Bliss at the sea shore
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We got to Wreck early enough to beat the crowds, but late enough that the sun had cleared the cliffs. Already, the day was building up to be a scorcher. The water warmer (less frigid) than it has been all season--not as much snowmelt--and it was so clear! The drastic change in tides (a waterline that ranges from 50 meters from the bluffs to at least a kilometer out) and the proliferation of clam-beds usually stir up the silt making the water pretty cloudy, but this morning we arrived just as it was ebbing. We did our sun-salutations at the water's edge, our feet sinking into the sand the whole time. There's something really cool about doing sun salutations while actually facing the rising sun. Hmmm, think there's a coincidence here?

Afterwards we frolicked in the indigo waters. We tend to avoid the beach on the weekends and we were reminded why: by noon, the beach was beginning to look like a parking lot with beach blankets practically overlapping. It was a real scorcher. Standing on the baking sand for more than 10 seconds raised blisters. We added a new layer of cancer-brown to our bodies and relished every sun-worshipping minute of it.

Since we'd helped Norman (of Wreck Beach's own Stormin' Normans) carry down his 50-pound propane tanks on our way in, he fixed us up some veggie burgers on the house. (Why is it that though I've helped lug the heavies down a few times, the venders still insist that it's too heavy for me? Chivalry, sure, but this is getting insulting.)

Well, it's still a gorgeous day, so I'm off to the cafe with ibook in tow for some writing on the astro/eco-terrorist piece.

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