Just not so little old me...

"For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino
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Marriage is love.

To meme or not to meme...

1. If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be?
Texas Hill Country or Provence...and if not to build, but to buy...a small apt. in NYC.

2. What are your favorite articles of clothing?
My red velvet holiday vest, my black CK jeans, my blue "Rent" t-shirt.

3. The last CDs you bought?
Chicago Gay Men's Chorus, "I Will be Loved Tonight"
"De-Lovely" Soundtrack

4. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Between 5 and 7, depending on whether I took Tylenol PM the night before, and how much water I drank in the two hours before going to bed. (It's hell getting older.)

5. Favorite kitchen appliance?
KitchenAid Mixer

6. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
Flute or guitar

7. Favorite color?
All of the shades from Deep Garnet Red to Deep Magenta

8. Which vehicle do you prefer, sports car, motorcycle or SUV?
Unless you mean a mini-SUV that gets at least 28 MPG, like my Subaru, none.

9. Do you believe in the afterlife?
Most of the time.

10. Favorite Children’s Book?
Toss up: Harriet the Spy or RM's choice, A Wrinkle in Time

11. What is your favorite season?
Fall in Atlanta, Spring in Chicago

12. Tattoo? What is it?
Sexy on some people, laughable on me.

13. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

14. Can you juggle?
Only my schedule, and my various contexts.

15. One person/people from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?
My "Aunt Liz," the most independent, yet deeply loving, woman I ever met.

16. What is under your bed?
It's built very low to the floor, so only dust and a few stray socks.

17. What is your favorite day?
Friday, when it's really a day off.

18. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?
Hamburger. The bf says I should really give sushi a try. We'll see.

19. From the people who normally read your blog, who is most likely to respond first?
Well, since I'm responding to hers, I'll say RM, or possibly Matt.

20. On which blog did you find this meme?
That Jane of all trades, ReverendMother.

21. What is your favorite flower?
Tulips, with Peonies a close second.

22. What is your favorite meal?

Appetizer: Saganaki from any of my three favorite Greek restaurants in Chicago.
Soup: My doctored up version of Trader Joe's Butternut Squash, or the turtle soup at Brennan's, Houston.
Salad: RM is right...Mixed greens with goat cheese, roasted garlic, grilled apples, and toasted bread, from the Daily Review Café in Houston. It is the salad of salads. My father's caesar comes close.
Entrée: NEW: Pecan crusted fried chicken breast, with herbed oven fried new potatoes and spicy black beans, Wishbone Restaurant, Chicago
Dessert: Tres Leches cake from Churrasco's or Americas, Houston

Stealing again from RM, runner-up: Tex Mex from Houston...not here or Atlanta.

24. Describe your PJs.
Objection, assumes facts not in evidence.

25. What is your favorite breakfast?
Sausage Omlette, with cheese grits and biscuits...the Flying Biscuit, Atlanta...though, my favorite breakfast place in Chicago has this dish I'm DYING to try...Deep Fried French Toast!

26. Do you like your job?
Very, very much most of the time.

27. What is your dream job?
Some combination of teaching, preaching and writing.

28. What age do you plan to retire?
When the ticker finally tells me I have to, or when the church shows me the door.

29. Where did you meet your spouse/significant other?
If he counts, on-line.

30. Something you would like to do that you’ve never done before.
Get myself physically fit.

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