Richard B. Smith
Six Days On The Road

Page Of Opinions -- Mine, Who Cares About Yours

More Stuff Wrong With Sports
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Sorry, I forgot some stuff. So, here again, in no apparent order, or yet more things I find wrong with sports.

College Basketball. The "hardship rule" is a crock. If the University gives a kid an undeserved scholarship, the LEAST, the very least, the kid can do is fulfill his four years. Come on, none of them ever go to class. It's four years of chicks and booze and basketball. The claim that it is a "financial hardship" and they need to jump to the N.B.A. to support their families. Are these the same kids that claim to live life all alone on the streets because their dad left and their mother died? WHAT FAMILY? Here is the biggest cock-and-bull I have ever heard. Joakim Noah left Florida before his senior year under the hardship clause. Do you have any idea who is friggin father is? He is former professional tennis player turned singer/performer (and practically the king of France) Yonik Noah. WHAT HARDSHIP? Did they fail to supply his with Dom Perignon filled baths at Florida?

Tiger Woods. I am so sick and tired of hearing how Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer ever. Really? Let's see him play with old technology. Instead of a $10,000 platinum turbo driver! Let's see him swing an old tree stump. Who does he compete against? Humm, fat, overweight, beer drinking, cigarette smoking losers. Who did Jack Nickalaus compete against? Arnold Palmer, Lee Trevino, Tom Watson, Gary Player ... do I need to go on? While I am griping about golf ... why are these women allowed to appear on the men's tour? Are the men allowed to compete on the women's tour? Why don't they just have one tour then? If they feel they are even, let's do away with the asinine two different positions where men and women "tee off" from. Maybe the women should just play "minature golf."

In tennis also, they tend to claim that Federer, Nadal, and Roddick are some of the best ever. Bull sheep. Connors, Laver, Ashe, Sampras, Borg -- they would all pummel the players today. Oh yeah, and let's shrink down the size of the racket to smaller than Andre the Giant. Come on. Let's see the big three of today play with Laver's wood racket. HAHAHA. Face it, even King of France Noah would destroy Nadal.

MONEY. Back to that subject. Golfers get paid millions. Tennis players get paid millions. Auto drivers get paid millions. None of these morons are even athletes. The are playing games. What is next? Getting paid millions for fishing. HAHAHA. Oh God, we have that. I might not mind the millions if we actually got good athletes. The athletes today couldn't carry the jock straps of older athletes. And, what is to plame. VIDEO GAMES. Our kids are wasting their time exercising their thumbs. Make them get outside and play tackle nerf football in the street. What ever happened to whiffle ball? Do you remember "over the line." My friend, Ken Stevens, and I use to pitch tennis balls at each other inside parking carports for hours and hours every day practicing our hitting. WE LOVED IT. We would probably still play today -- for free -- I know I would!!!

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