Richard B. Smith
Six Days On The Road

Page Of Opinions -- Mine, Who Cares About Yours

When does 2=6 or more?
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Everyone seems to keep harping that "Michael Vick deserves a second chance". I do not agree. However, let's ASSume that he does. Everytime he screws up...does he start over again at one? THIS IS NOT HIS SECOND CHANCE!!!! Going off the top of my head...without looking up any info, I recall Vick being involved in a Marijuana smuggling ring- two people were arrested and Michael Vick owned all of the vehicles involved. Let's see- they had thousands of dollars worth of weed- they had not income- and Vick financed the whole thing....humm...STRIKE ONE! Michaels' Brother, Marcus, has been caught numerous times with weed and who do you think helped him pay for it? STRIKE TWO!!! Michael Vick got caught smuggling weed through and airport inside the bottom of a "fake" water bottle...STRIKE THREE...YERRRRRRRRRRRR OUT. However, let's continue. Michael Vick also tested positive for weed while on probation----STRIKE FOUR!!! Michael Vick gave the finger on Monday Night Football...STRIKE FIVE!!! years of financing a dog fighting ring...killing hundreds of innocent dogs...electrocution...drowning...slamming their heads into the FRIGGIN years of it. Hundreds of innocents animals killed and tortured. Michael Vick keeps claiming he is "sorry for the sufferring he caused". WHAT THE F.CK? Sufferring? It was tortured and MURDER!!! Do you know what they say about serial killers? They start out harming and torturing animals...Michael Vick is a useless peice of crap!!! He does not "deserve" a chance. It is a priveldge to play in the NFL- not a right. When people commit crimes- like child molestion- and the are permitted back into society- they do not "deserve a second chance". They are not given a second chance. They are branded for life and they hid in the shadows and try to not commit other crimes. Vick deserves NOTHING. He made these choices. He chose to commit these unforgiveable crimes. Let him suffer. Please. If he was not an athlete- he would NEVER- EVER- EVER- be able to find a job. If the NFL- and all major sports- had a job application that made you check a box if your EVER committed a felony- they could not field a team. Why can't athletics mimick real life? If, and when, Michael Vick commits yet another crime- will we once again say..."he deserves a second chance"? Can't anyone add? He was given a second- and third- and fourth- and fifth, and sixth...and screwed up. I guarantee that he has not learned his lesson. Case in point, he has already been out in public drinking....he should lock himself in a room and stay out of the limelight. He is flauting his freedom and our ignorance. Forget Barroid Bonds...I hate Michael Vick far more!

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