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Behind the Eye of the Beholder
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    Think of today's computing power, multiplied by fantastic growth in new capabilities, with concomitant fantastic reduction in physical size and power requirements. Wafers, implanted in various parts of the human body.

    Think of being able to have an "Assisted Imagination" area of the brain; "virtual applications" and "virtual output" available for Personalization, changed at will; limited only by Imagination, Creativity and level of Curiosity.

    Think of a "Desktop" in an Operating System. The User simply pushing icons around, starting or stopping utilities, applications and macros; communication, sensors, even Human Memory Back-Ups!

    Yes, think of services available today (many we take for granted); telephone, calandars, to-do lists, timing an event, multi-tasking in a hundred ways, banking, much of white collar work, much of entertainment. These would be Revolutionized.

    External monitors would be as archaic as buggy-whips!

    All of this, the mere size of a tiny wafer, with Broadband I/O.

    Who needs a cell phone, simply tickle the hairs in the ears with the specialized wafer meant for the job.

    Various wafers, designed to accomplish specific tasks, could be permanently implanted in various areas of the body, the brain, the optic nerve, spinal column, or even free-flowing in the bloodstream, for example.

    Some wafers could then serve as a multiplexer for cousin wafers; Satellite Component RAM, (SCRAM!), connecting all parts of the body!

    An Inner-Net!     We'll set our own Preferences!

    Some wafers may monitor (or even vary) health parameters of their human host. The Inner-Net!   may even mimic the Autonomic System, with certain functions simply "built-in". You don't have to remember to breathe, right? Your computer knows how to do complex things with a simple button or confirmation dialog box.

    Other wafers specialize in various Input or Output capabilities.

    One of these wafers will be a VIRTUAL "screen-in-the-mind", coupled with "virtual imagery".

    Think of this as similar to the computer monitor of today, only no one around the User would see anything! It's going direct from the User's "Wish Center" in their brain to the "Mindboard", (or whatever it will be called; this "virtual workspace" in the User's mind).

    For now I will call it a "Virtual Personal Desktop", (VPD).

    I'm talking about a way to experience something akin to having a traditional computer display, just the way I'm writing these words in a text processor, just the way you're reading this blog, except that it is ALL IN THE USER'S MIND!

    (You could be playing MineSweeper, or reruns of The Daily Show on the VPD and the boss wouldn't even know it!)

    I'm saying that the VPD would also have (near)-instant access to any and all information that is available on the internet today, as well as any book, from any library, museum, archive, or any television-type presentation, all Searchable, Sortable, Sharable and Storable, on-the-fly!

    (How fast can you think? How fast can you imagine?)

    Current technology includes (near)-instant cell phone pictures uploaded and "posted" to the internet within moments, if not seconds.

    Now think of a miniature television camera, perhaps implanted behind the eye, (capturing the mind's-eye view), or worn externally, in glasses or a hat or a "Third Eye".

    This image could be "uploaded" and ANYONE could have YOUR visual experiences. Not just real-time, but on-demand, snippets to full-length. The possibilities are endless.

    What I'm talking about is an experience as personal and compelling as a 3-D movie, without any external "apparatus" requirements; the limitations we live with today.

    Full audio! Tactile Feedback! (All senses will eventually work, please wait for the next upgrade!)

    Talk about Reality TV!

    Of course there may be problems, limitations, or unplanned results; perhaps viruses or worms to worry about!

    Yikes!     (What if some hacker or government agency could take control of my Imagination!)

    Ah, but the possibilities for medicine, geriatrics, research, industry, entertainment, personal growth and learning are VAST!

    Do you think?     Will the pornography and gambling industries be first to the marketplace?

    What's your guess?     How long before this technology is commonplace in middle-class America? How about the World?

    How about you?     Who will sign up?

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