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Emily Carr At The Vancouver Art Gallery
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Katy enjoyed her 60th birthday with a lunch get-together the day before her birthday and then went to work, where I think they had cupcakes or something to acknowledge her birthday and then after work, she had invited many of her women-friends who came over for a campfire in the back yard.

The day after her birthday, Saturday, we went to Vancouver on AMTRAK. We try to do this every few years, it's really fun. Most often we end up walking around (we found a street fair this time) and often go the Vancouver Art Gallery.

We were very impressed by the work of Emily Carr. Someone at the museum suggested that Emily was Canada's Georgia O’Keeffe.

Anyway, then Sunday Katy again went to work and I lazed around the house and relaxed. I do not travel well. Lord knows I've done enough of it, but it usually catches up with me. I can almost count on a headache during or after a long car ride. Commuting to work doesn't do this, fortunately.

Katy came home and told me she realized that it may be literally true that I am allergic to her! We've kidded about that one trying to understand my sinus allergies, but she learned that someone working in a nursery or doing a lot of gardening has huge amounts of pollen on their clothing and in their hair. I know specifically I am allergic to many tree pollens, and as you know, Katy works in the tree department!

Oh, my!

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