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Interviewing Mom for DVD movie
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I will be using my new DVD camcorder soon to "interview" Mom. I dug out the book she has been working on, for years,
(I think she lost her copy in the move), and I will attempt to have Mom fill in some blanks. Blanks in the book and blanks in my memory, of the family, of my youth, etc.

I write this because it occurred to me that others out there in the family may have some burning questions for Mom, who may have the only remaining memories of certain events of long ago.

These may be personal, about YOUR childhood, or about the world at large, from her first memories, probably from about 1915 on, I would guess.

Mom's memory is pretty good and I'm planning on recording the interviews and then reducing them all to a single DVD, over time. I suspect with my limited time for such a project, it may take a couple years, but I will let everyone know when it am complete and will share the results.

Point being, please send me your questions, either by email, phone or commenting in this blog...


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