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On Words, Tunes and UFOs
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Musings about Brother Peter...

Peter made up a word once which I still use: "Buj". (Oh, I don't know how to spell it. Almost like "BOOJZ", as if you pronounced the two letters "B" and "G" together with no vowel between them.)

"I just had a buj, I need to sit down!"

To Peter, (and me), this meant the state of mind when standing up too fast; your balance might be off a little and you feel a little "woozy", (which was another favorite word of Peter's).

I very rarely remember Peter singing. One snippet of a tune he taught me, decades ago, went: "cigareets, and whiskey, and wild, wild women..." I'm pretty sure it must be an old Blues tune, although someone will have to help me out on an Artist and Album...?

There was also the time I asked Peter if he had ever seen a "UFO". He said that one time he was with a group of people on top of Mt. Tamalpais in California. He said that (comparing notes later) they all saw a weird saucer-like craft moving into and out of a cloud (repeatedly) overhead. I think he said it was pink. (Any other remembered information by others of this incident would be a dearly cherished comment to this blog.) I believe it was with a group from "Harbin(ger) Hot Springs".

If anyone has more stories of when Peter and Marcy lived at Harbin, I would deeply appreciate your sharing them.

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