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Impeach! For The Love Of American Ideals!
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When I was a boy, there were all these "other people" around me who would tell me what to do and expect me to do just exactly that or suffer various unpleasant consequences. I didn't enjoy this period all that much.

These "other people" turned out to be "parents" and "brothers" and "teachers" and just about anybody older or bigger than me. (Later, I learned there was a "Big Brother", or "government", which had even MORE unpleasant consequences to dispose.)

At first, I generally disliked all these other people, mostly because I didn't like to be told what to do, and / or didn't like the unpleasant consequences.

I really didn't have a very good relationship with my parents when I was young, but that was to change as time passed.

As I grew and learned, I found out that "other people" could become "friends" which might produce a synergy resulting in very "pleasant consequences".

One pleasant consequence I have found, for certain, without a doubt and consistently for many decades, is that it turned out that these "parents", were a pair of two pretty nice people, and that I enjoyed their company! A lot!

Eventually, I realize this transition from "active dislike..." to "like to be around...", with regards to my parents, brothers, wife, relatives, friends and neighbors could be called learning to "Love" them, (even with any percieved "imperfections").

I also learned to "Love", as applied to our Nation's Constitution and Ideals.

However, as history shows, I learned that there were some rascals out there who could be "elected" to "lead" us, whose "imperfections" I could NOT ignore. The "Ideals" were NOT embodied in these "Leaders". The map is not the territory. The medicine is not the disease!

"We, The People" must hold them accountable, those who violate the "Spirit Of Freedom" in our Nation.

"We, The People" can "Love" our Nation enough to "Impeach" Bush and Cheney for their rejection of "Our American Values".

(I would go farther and deliver them to the World Court to be tried for "Crimes Against Humanity". We ARE signatories to the Geneva Convention, which has been flouted by the current administration, to Our Nation's Shame! Let the torture cease NOW!)

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