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Helen [Hanson] Hartman (1908-2007) Memorial
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Helen [Hanson] Hartman (1908-2007) Memorial

I am reproducing a letter here that I wrote to Mom ("The ‘Late’ Helen Hartman", as Mom was known within the Family, a running joke which existed for most of my life…), 20 years ago. I found it save among her cards, letters and pictures that she had saved for her sons to sort. It still sums up what I believe and what I have to say to the living and the dead. I still have 10 years to be proved wrong!

I was living in Seattle. Mom was in Tacoma. But I felt little distance between us. She had written on the outside of the envelope of this letter: " Beautiful letter from a “beautiful’ son". Same to you, Mom!

By publishing this letter, I hope to say to Mom, once again, that I loved her and that I will see her again, as well as all my other Family members who are no longer with us today.

        -John "Dobe Doinat" Hartman
        -August 03, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mom!                     1-27-1987

Sunday night: You are an inspiration to me for the energy and youth in your body, you generosity to your fellow humans, the love and care, patience and understanding you’ve shown our family.

My Great White Mother, I wish you untold rewards in your life yet to come and great peace of Spirit in the next life.

You brought Life into this world with four sons and six Grandchildren and multitudes of love and sharing with friends, neighbors and strangers alike. You are a good person, and I thank you from my heart for my life of learning on Earth.

Even in times of stress, confusion, lonliness, I feel I’ve been born in this plane to work on my spirit and some lessons have (and still are) painful. Yet you have been supportive through all my troubles and I’m happy to call you “MOM”.

I’m sorry for all the years I was rejecting you and the family; one of those lessons haunting my past and memories. Live is tough sometimes so I hope we all learn our lessons and find it worth all the pain. All of humanity, graduating from materialism to conquer inner space, ourselves; our Made-In-God’s-Image Spirit taking our collective Mind to the ends of time and space.

Thank you for helping in the evolutionary chain toward our Immortality. You knew your lines perfectly and never missed a Performance. Isn’t it wonderful Dancing-With-The-Universe?

Monday night: actually, it’s 1:30 AM on your Birthday, so in a somewhat less philosophic bent of mind, but still from my heart, Happy Birthday, a joyous Celebration of your joining humanity on Earth.

The changes on this plane since you were born have been tremendous. But really, 80-90% of those changes were durning MY lifetime. The point I’m getting at is, the rate is accelerating so fast that 90% of THOSE changes have occurred in the last few years, personally and technologically.

For a creature tracing it’s evolutionary ancestors for millions of years, this world of incessant change, overchoiice and technological wornders boggles the mind. One can only flow through life by learning. What works is progress but toward what goal? I see the goal of this rapid change of our technological society to evolve again, this time to the Seat Of Angels, in the Sight Of God. I see us, one day, yes, perhaps soon, able to merge our souls, our entire Racial Memory, with the Infinite Love, Our God.

No, we will not ignore even on, we will rise above this plane, somehow helping even the most evil, the wicked, the ignorant, to atone, to cast aside the Veil and Behold! WE ARE ONE!

If any of that doesn’t make sense to you, or it does and you’re still not buying it, hey, prove me wrong in 30 years. I believe we will ALL know each other intimately, for all time.

So here is to our mutual humanness, our mutual greatness and our mistakes. Here is to ALL of us, Happy Birthdy! Here is to our Common Soul, our common




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