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I have been intrigued by Capturing Coordinating and Remembering Human Experience Project (CCRHE) recently, even though the project is about 5 years old!

The technology is here, now, and I believe it is only a matter of time before we're all carrying (or wearing) this technology.

I would treasure the day it will be extremely easy to record unlimited video, in a field around myself. Then, if I want to review what happened to or around me on, for example, March 6,2005, then it would be a simple matter of having the search engine filter all the recorded video, then, (almost instantaneously), I could "remember" my last conversation with my brother!

It would enable me to play back any conversation, any outing, attendance at any event. I would know what had been playing in the background. I would be able to tell the color in my true love's eyes.

When such a device is commonplace, then we could share these captured memories with anyone or everyone. Your "home page" might be a playback of your final ascent to Everest, or the last time you dined with the Dalai Lama!

Using GPS tracking, (embedding location, date and time), and a continuous "uplink" to a secure server, it would be possible for even a court to admit the video into evidence.

This means that "alibis" are easily verified; you could prove your whereabouts at a given time. (Conversely, I suppose criminals would not be so willing to have a CCRHE unit working at the time of their crime!)

Some of the applications envisioned by Informedia include CareMedia for geriatric use, a News Service which could "automatically detect, extract, and report high interest people, patterns, and trends in visual content from foreign news", (ENVIE), automatic translations of foreign languages, "synthetic interviews", National Defense uses, and many more.

Future versions might include other features as well. I foresee the day when this technology is incorporated into a single pair of (special) glasses, or even even wired directly to the optic nerve through surgery. (Way CyberPunk!)

I foresee the playback as total immersion (as in very advanced virtual reality), not simply 2-D video. The playback would look, feel, sound, taste and smell like the original set and setting that was recorded!

For some, the playback could be a simple "head's-up display", wherein the recorded segment is overlaid onto current reality.

I believe this technology would be tantamount to an Artificial Eidetic Memory.

I would like to see some other features incorporated, such as recording 360 degrees around the source, (think of it as a very wide peripheral vision field), completely realtime, unlimited recording, with variable speed playback, using some type of crypto-tech to imbed authentication and ensure privacy, and all wireless, hopefully thought-controlled (also current technology). No simple Photoshop would be able edit, forge or counterfeit recordings.

Like a Public Notary verifies a document, it would be easy to verify the authenticity of any recordable event, fully acceptable in court.

I see other uses and applications, possibly whole new industries. (Of course, as always, the Porn Industry will be the first application to market...)

Recorded UFO sightings will open up new avenues of investigation. (To correlate several witnesses' evidence for triangulation, would mean precise measurements of speed, color, details, direction, etc.)

Recorded and authenticated "Verbal Contracts" would be binding.

Future generations could actually experience what life was like for their ancestors; much more than mere pictures or film does today..

Recording dreams would be possible, in the same manner, such that they could be viewed while awake, or shared with others.

User controls would be automated, with thought-activated commands, (or at least sub-vocal commands).

There could be myriad advances in accelerated learning. Think of observing great discoveries by important scientists, firsthand!

Playback would be a sort of time compression, in that the human brain can absorb images and even audio at faster rates than "normal" reality.

So, as we remember the past and present, let the future begin!

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