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Keep Your Eyes On The Potato!
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At my place of work last week, a co-worker, a very intelligent man who had worked for 30 years as an engineer, had his last day before leaving permanently for retirement.

Not long before he left for the last time, someone asked him what he had learned in his long career here.

Without missing a beat, he answered, "Always put the potato down the FRONT of the pants!".

If you don't know the full joke, (to which this is the punchline), it goes like this:

A man, let's call him "Mr. Schmuck", who always had very bad luck with women, asked his friend, who always had beautiful women around him, what his secret was.

"The scret is that you put a potato down your pants before you ask a woman out!"

After a few weeks went by, they happened to meet again and his friend asked Mr. Schmuck how it was going with the women?

Mr. Schmuck complained that he did as he was told, but that it never seemed to help. In fact, the women would run away in record time.

His friend looked Mr. Schmuck over and declared: "No wonder! You're supposed to put the potato down the FRONT of your pants!"


I laughed so hard because I had not thought of this joke for several years.

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