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"Spread The Wealth!" - Jody Plumber
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I am not a communist or a socialist, but I see nothing wrong with "sreading the wealth", when the top 1% of the wealthy in America have increased their wealth in the last 20 years and the average worker has not seen a real increase in wages in many years!

Think about what it would mean to this neo-mythical caricature, "Jody Plumber". It would mean that more Americans could afford to hire him to fix their leaky plumbing, or to remodel and put in a second bathroom.

It would mean that the economic engine of the world, the middle class in America, would have additional spending money for all the small businesses across America to compete for.

I have nothing but contempt for a campaign which makes anyone, who thinks that the very rich aren't paying their fair share, into an implied socialist or communist.

No, McCain didn't say that explicitly. But he implied it in the last debate and continues to in his little stump speeches, so full of hate and so lacking in policy statements.

If an individual thinks that the "little guy" hasn't gotten a fair shake, that the corporate executives and hedge-fund managers who made billions and paid less in real taxes than the average worker pays in taxes, this to the McCain campaign means that they are "Un-American" or not from the "patriotic parts of America".

No, John and Sarah, I don't begrudge another person making more than I do, if they are contributing more to society, they should be paid more. But thousands and millions of times more? No. And then, if these overpaid thieves cause a world economic crisis? Well, they earned their money before it all went down in flames, so how could they be held responsible? Phooey!

They can and they should be held responsible. I've called for a "Truth Commission" to commence next year (in previous entries to this blog). When individuals are found to have been greedily gobbling up the gelt, they must be forced to pay back taxes, along with massive fines, which should be used to help re-engineer the fabric of our great country. We need new infrastructure. We need to pay off the National Debt, we need to stop borrowing from our Grandchildren's wealth and security and to pay our own way!

The Republican Party always refers to the Democrats as the party of "Tax and Spenders". Why is "Borrow and Spend" preferable to taxing? How about the 20,000 corporations in America which HAVE NEVER PAID ANY TAX AT ALL, (as recently heard on CNN), pay their fair share? How about the $Billions and $Trillions in offshore accounts, there for one reason: to avoid American taxes? Even if it were true, as McCain says, that the corporate tax structure specifies a larger percentage than any other developed nation, how many corporations actually pay anywhere near that percentage, after writing off so much using so many loopholes that they bought and paid for over the years?

By all means, let's restrain spending when it is for already-satiated special interests, but let's increase spending to educate our citizens, to make sure no American is homeless or hungry...

These goals are laudible and may be all the more so if at the same time we do not jepardise future generations for the greed of the few today.

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