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Seek the Light, George!
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Yesterday Katy and I found out that Georgina Steele, also fondly known as "George" or "Ruby", was killed in a car accident, on October 30th, 2008, in Federal Way... [see links below]

George was survived in the crash by her husband, Rick, now at home with family. We're very sad for your loss, Rick, but we're glad you survived. We also offer our heartfelt condolences to George's greater family, and all who loved Georgina as we did.

Katy wrote a note last night, which I read this morning, which recalled that they were honored to have been friends for almost 50 years, dating back to the same high school journalism class. They lived together in several places and at various points in their lives.

George and Rick came to our open-house party last August, and I'm lucky I got a couple of last photographs and we got to see her one last time.

I've known George for almost 20 years and she was very fun to be around. She was a great debater, had insight into many issues, and possessed an infectious laugh.

We read: "She lived her art." That fit.

She was a published author, active politically , an accomplished painter, a poetess. She was a great friend and is greatly missed!


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