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Mr. President, Please! We're Waiting!
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Ted Rall, a good read, writes BARACK OBAMA, TORTURE ENABLER for those who believe as I do, that the 1949 Geneva Conventions, (and their Protocols), should still mean something! (In the U.S., I mean. I'm pretty sure it DOES still mean something in other countries and in a majority of those living in these United States.)

I'm paraphrasing part of Ted Rall's article above when I say that the Nuremberg Tribunal ruled, in 1948, (the year I was born; the year my Uncle was a U.S. Military Attorney, working in Nuremberg), that "there were [German] restrictions for Hitler under international law." and that "Hitler could issue orders [that violated] international law which did not excuse the torturers."

Torture was employed during the bushcheneyrumsfeldtrove era, we know that. Human rights were abused with "renditions", against our OWN laws, not to mention international law. For eight long years these thugs brought us war to make Halliburton and Blackwater rich. They sold out our country, our very treasured Constitution, for money. That, my friends, if provable in a recognized Court, is TREASON, pure and simple. Thugs and bullies must be brought to justice, Mr. President. Yet we must wait for justice.

Spain seems to agree that there have been "Crimes Against Humanity". Allow Americans to know the truth about these thugs who stole the presidency in two successive elections, (don't get me started!). We must NOT "turn the page" before we "read what's on the page".

It's good to "look to the future", as you have said, Mr. President. I want that also. (How about we develop a 50-year plan like the Chinese have?)

"We can do more than one thing at a time", as you said, Mr. President. One of them should be to let the American People and the World know that Our support for the 60-year-old, hard-won international treaty known as the "Geneva Conventions", is forever! We are waiting for your reaffirmation to our commitment to the world and to history, and to our ancestors who fought evil before us.

Torture is, and has always been, outlawed. Therefore, the last administration are outlaws! It should be a basic Human Right, that all nations adhere to these conventions, and the last administration, these thugs, are NOT above the law. (Let's have a "perp walk" and deliver the torturers and those who authorized torture, get their just reward. We are waiting for the mighty to fall. Perhaps they are simply just too powerful for you, Mr. President? If you're not up to the challange, perhaps you're part of the problem. But giving you the benefit of the doubt, I assume you would like the same thing, but are waiting "for The People to MAKE you do the right thing!" I think it was Lincoln who said that. It will happen. History has a habit of finally coming out, doesn't it? All the darkened corners eventually get the light of day as the best antiseptic, so make it sooner than later, won't you please?

I have read, (I'm no expert; this is unverified), that if a country (and it's executive policies) allow a past administration to NOT answer for "High Crimes" and "Crimes Against Humanity", then THEY (Obama's administration) ARE GUILTY BY NEGLECT AND/OR COLLUSION with the previous administration. Don't be that Enabler-In_Chief, Mr. President! Make the tough decision, or face the consequences of not doing so. The People await!

Mr. Obama, I voted for you. I want you to succeed. I want this country to succeed. I want the world to succeed. Although many of your actions, since Inauguration, I might be persuaded to believe are for the good, I am becoming less hopeful that you truly represent change. We don't need incremental change, Mr. President, and you know it! We need massive changes, and your Secretary of the Treasury, for one, besides being a tax cheat, is cronies with the banks he's handing out $Trillions to! Enough is enough! Show us the spreadsheet! Post it on the internet, now!

So, Mr. Obama, you promised us transparency. Would you point out to me where your administration has been so transparent? I think a lot of us missed looking through the old material, let alone the new material! We're waiting for our own history to be revealed, let alone where our future lies, how our Grandchildren will be indebted to the wealthy (think bushcheneyrumsfeldtrove) forever! This is change, but not something I had hoped for!

You promised you would post any legislation that you intended to sign and make the law of the land on the internet, five days BEFORE you signed, to allow our citizens to read it and understand it, even though our representatives feel good about themselves by voting for $Trillions of dollars of programs, without so much as reading the bill. Wow! There should be a literacy test for serving in government!

Your picks for Secretaries of various Departments have been mediocre, exampled by choosing insiders and tax cheats as the only possible people who could get the job done.

How about some Blue Ribbon Presidential Panels appointed, with a broad spectrum of expertise, to address the many problems in our society, much as the 9-11 Commission was created, then after due dilligence, they make a set of recommendations, and they are debated, but then accepted in whole, or at least in spirit? We're waiting!

How many $Ts have been signed into law so far (3 months?) without fulfilling this basic promise? Our Treasury has been ANYTHING BUT TRANSPARENT! How long do you keep listening to your inner circle, when they are acting only in the interests of the extremely wealthy and Wall Street? We're waiting for you to choose The People over Special Interests, PLEASE!

It's time for change already, Mr. President! You need full accountability to The People, or our beloved Democracy will surely fail. We are still waiting! We trusted you to become our President, now make the tough decisions and put someone in charge of the economy who is a Wall Street OUTSIDER! Make the tough decision to allow full disclosure of the heinous crimes the previous administration engaged in and create an unimpeachable Special Prosecutor to uncover The Truth! We CAN handle the truth, and we're waiting for it!

Please open up the files on the last eight years! Do we have to learn the truth from Spain? My fondest wish is that you DO become transparent and that you DO respond to Our Common Good. We're waiting!

Our Supreme Court has pronounced that certain "detainees" at Gitmo were to be released months ago! Period! Yet they are still locked away, Mr. President! One young man is only 21, having spent 7 years of his life AT GITMO! He's waiting! WE ARE ALL WAITING! We await The Truth, Mr. President!

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