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Un-Friended Mandates
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With the recent Health Care Reform Bill enacted, instead of a simple single-payer system, supported by a simple tax, our leaders decided in their infinite wisdom to create a system that mandates the people to buy insurance from a private corporation, else pay a fine.

Since this method is such a vast improvement over paying taxes, I am proposing to the Nation my ideas moving forward.

For example, we might tell The People that it is good to be protected by an attorney, therefore, if you haven't retained the services of an attorney of your choice, then you will be fined, equivalent or greater than the amount it would take to retain a lawyer! (If you like the attorney you have, you can keep them!)

Voila! All our legal problems vanish! See how great this is?

In like measure, it might be a good idea to mandate that every Citizen incorporate. Since you already have an attorney, this shouldn't be so hard. Now, everybody's equal again. see? We're all incorporate bodies inside corporate bodies, or maybe vice versa. Wait, I'll get my attorney to look into the details and then get back to your attorney. They can hammer out the details of any further conversation between us on that topic. Until then, I have no comment.

Then, let's think about this. We could have huge political battles over whether the Rights Of The Unborn include the Right To Incorporate. It probably talks about this somewhere in the Bible, or the Koran, or the Torah, we can bet on that. CNN and Faux News will make a mint! It's a job-issue, see? It means more "Talking Head" positions on network news!

I'm only getting started here. Let's think of a lobby, any lobby. It works for a Corporation. I think we could swell the ranks of Lobbyists, then, because if every Citizen is a Corporation, then most of them will want to have a lobby! I'll hire the "Dobe Lobby", and I'll give out a few cents on the dollar for every dollar of Tax Breaks, Kickbacks, No-Bid Contracts, with no responsibility! What joy I will enjoy! What fun I will enfun!

Corporations needn't worry about money so much, either. Since all Citizens are Corporations, they automatically are listened to and obeyed in Congress, subject to closed bidding, of course, and they can have the government cut them a check at 0 percent interest, and then leverage those millions by a factor of 20 or more. When that's gone, the Corporation goes bankrupt, not the individual, so remember to pay yourself well!

There must be dozens of ways to apply this new-found breakthrough in governance. I would welcome your comments on how we might mandate The People to have to consume a certain amount of goods, which would keep production up, which is good for jobs!

It's incredible what a new paradigm can inspire. What makes all of this possible is the Supremisist Court, who decided Corporations have all rights that human Citizens possess, plus other benefits humans lack. So who's to argue my logical conclusions?

Folks, form a Corporation today. It gives you an extra vote, too, when you think about it. And you might want to throw your Corporate hat in the ring for President!

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