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A Kairos Moment
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The Kairos

My brother Paul (and his novel) are "out" now. After 65 years in the closet, Paul is finally fully out with a great partner-in-love. I have no sisters, so I never thought I would have a brother-in-law on my side of the family!

Paul's novel The Kairos has had its national launch on What a suspense story about Dead Sea Scroll fragments long kept secret because they say Jesus was gay!

The only two scholars who know the secret come to a deep disagreement: whether to release that news as a Kairos Moment (a divine breakthrough into human time) or to keep it secret forever, since it could destroy the faith of a billion Christians around the globe!

Someone told Paul that he has invented a new literary genre for Christian fundamentalists: "religious horror".

I'll toot my own horn here: during the editing phase of the novel, when I first read it, I suggested a character’s name, and Paul included it. I suggested “Gaylord” and this character makes a brief appearance in chapter 43! So did I help write the novel? Yup! But only one word!

Please buy (at least one) of this heretical book! Feel free to burn it, but please invite the media first! Hey, "Controversy Sells!"

Here's the website:

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