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Beak Air Full, With Paws...
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I was listening to a radio show that was interviewing a woman about real estate or something, doesn't matter... She used a phrase with, to my ears, the wrong phrasing. Wrong in the sense of "humorous".

She was referring to herself and said, "I'm a HOMO <pause> -NER."Now, this woman may be the neighborhood class clown, and she may have used this phrasing purposely for all I know.

Yet, my wandering mind considered other possibilities. What if the phrasing were "I'm a HO <pause> -moaner." Would she so casually utter that phrasing, or is that taboo? Maybe it would be BETTER TO RENT!

Cue an an hour ago... A different show, same station, different voices. The first person used the term "...such a POPEYE <pause> -CON." My mind starts thinking of Popeye, the Sailor, (and his days behind bars)... I'm thinking the opposite would be a Popeye Pro, But no, the speaker intended to say "... a POP <pause> ICON." Silly me.

But what was truly hilarious, to me, was that a short time after hearing the initial speaker say, "...such a POPEYE <pause> -CON", then the second personality used the exact same phrasing, although to my ear, perhaps a little nervously, like, "well, he's the host, and if he pronounces it that way, I better fit in!"!

Interesting, human nature, i'n't?

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