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I Wish I'd Said That!
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If you have read David Sirota's article, Barack Obama, Wall Street Co-Conspirator?, then you can read what I've been trying to say in my rants on this blog for years.

Please let me know how you agree or disagree with his points. Especially that if this was a Republican President, every liberal would be frothing at the mouth, but we excuse him because he sorta kinda says he wants "Full Accountability" and that "No one is above the law", but he doesn't mean his very own Wall Street pals...

Obama is on the wrong side of history on so many issues, that for me, he has finally turned me away from EVER voting for a Democrat again. I will vote Independent for the rest of my life. But at the rate our rights are being abrogated, I do wonder how many more "free" elections we are ever likely to see.)

How do you see it? Aren't you outraged? Am I alone here? Or just a tiny part of the 99%?

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