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I Am Composing A Letter To "Congress"
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Please bear with me, since the following is rather unpalatable, but it's difficult in the digital age to convey certain sounds, expressions, or feelings across the virtual divide, and I thought, gee, maybe there are accepted abbreviations for what I would be trying to convey to our "elected" "Congress". (Hahahaha)

Now all of us, in our youth or adult stages have had to endure the stench of feces, whether it is an old outhouse, a backwoods gas station, a stockyard, cleaning up after your daughter's pony.

Whatever your particular memory in this regard, (I only ask this of you to help the Nation), I ask you bring it to mind for a moment. Do it for patriotism's sake.

For me, this brings up a taste in my mouth that I want to spit out. It is so distasteful as to cause spontaneous near-involuntary expectoration. (Very much like what I get every time I think of this government, and every other American administration / Congress in my adult memory.)

I have seen this spelled out in comic books as, "Phooey!", or "Pthooey!" , or "Phtfft". It's not just the spitting, mind you, it's having to think of these imbeciles and maniacs as "leaders", and the resulting taste of massive intestinal gas or the mere smell of explosive diarrhea. Talk about bottoming out!

Before I send off my feelings to "our leaders", I should have the correct term or correct spelling, and therefore I'm asking any blog-readers that got this far, to help me out.

Please leave me your expression that comes to mind when you think of (heh heh heh) "Congress", or even "American Policy".

Here's one really "Phooey!" part of the shutdown: these (excuse me, I just threw up a little bit in my mouth), "leaders(?)" are GETTING PAID(!), because THEY are "ESSENTIAL"(?!). Wow... Pthooey. Only in America, huh?

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