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Now Our Troops Are "Disappearing" Civilians
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Have you seen The latest American War Crimes uncovered by investigations by Rolling Stone Magazine, where US troops have been "disappearing" civilians?

When is enough, enough? When do the American People say, "Do not do this in our name" and make the war criminals at the top listen? Should we follow murderers, liars and thieves or tell them to stop it? Am I unpatriotic to think of my "leaders" as criminals and thugs? No. They are unpatriotic for thinking America doesn't have to follow International Law.

Is 10+ years enough war in Afghanistan? When will we tell them to cease and desist? They have murdered thousands of civilians and yet, gee, America is special, we don't have to answer to International Law, right? We're above that... (I say, I hope not!)

If our actions are unconstitutional, or against international law, well then, our government simply makes it "TOP SECRET" so the American People don't know about it! I still say a Truth Commission is the only way. It might take us another generation, but clearly these people will not be admired in the history books.

I don't know how to stop it, but we clearly have a government that is out of control. IMO.

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