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We Beg Your Pardon!
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I hear on the news that Putin in Russia is granting amnesties and letting political prisoners out of incarceration. Some of these stories, such as Putin's Amnesties: Political Thaw or PR Stunt? from the Voice of America, denigrate Putin instead of looking at the fact that so many people are being let out of prison!

Some people may think that America has no political prisoners, but a simple search shows we have many. Couple this with the fact that America has more prisoners per capita than any other country, that many are from an absolutely failed War on drugs, a trillion-dollar failure, as well as the Exploding number of elderly prisoners strains system, taxpayers which mean that Obama should commute the sentences of countless prisoners to time served and let them out by the thousands and hundreds of thousands.

Of course, if your crimes were "white collar", perhaps Wall Street related, you were never locked up. We know that there is fair and equal justice in the USA, so long as you can afford it!

So how about it, Mr. President? How about releasing a few hundred political prisoners? How about a few thousand elderly who are no longer a threat to anyone? Is it better they die in prison or with their families? How about reviewing every drug-related sentence and releasing most of these people? Right after you take marijuana off the Class-A narcotics list.

You have a lot to account for, Mr. President, but you could redeem yourself by an end of the year gift to the world. Unburden the overcrowded jails by releasing the non-violent, the poor, the pawns in your game. Yes, you CAN do it! You could even deal with Guantanamo if you really wanted to.

Step up and match Putin, Mr. President. please! You could even pretend you were going to do it all along, (like with the NSA and Edward Snowden, a clear precident!).

If you can pardon a turkey at Thanksgiving, you can pardon our political prisoners. Oh, right, I forgot, we don't have any...

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