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Talk about "Low-Life Scum..."
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Can you believe Senator John McCain, who felt free to express his opinion of several of his employers last week. (U.S. Citizens who were expressing their right of Free Speech, and attempting a Citizen Arrest of Henry Kissinger, since their government was protecting someone the international community wants arrested for, "prosecution for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture".)

So Kissinger and company can torture and murder, and is protected and honored, but those protesting his actions of long ago are arrested and called scum.

Many believe the government wants to cover up the sins of their own, without regard to Truth or Justice. Personally, I hope and wait for a Truth Commission.

BTW, when you point at your employers, and call them scum, I think there might be a couple fingers pointing back at you, Senator McCain! Please, remember who pays your salary and who pays your retirement and your health insurance. We're not scum, sir, we're your meal check, and don't forget it!

Personally, I think you should apologize to your employers, Mr. McCain. And perhaps you might take a look at why these people feel that Mr. Kissinger should not be honored but detained.

Perhaps Mr. Kissinger is the one who should be denounced as "Low-Life Scum" for the unapologetic and unrepentant blood on his hands.

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