
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Just another Day in Paradise
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I arose about an hour earlier than usual today. One because that man of mine was restless; and second, because I wanted to get my morning walk in before it became too hot to walk. At 8:30 a.m. it was all ready sunny and warm.

Today I decided to include an errand on my walk. I returned one of my library books I had finished earlier in the week. I certainly don't want to incur late fees.

I had planned on taking the extended loop on this walk but I was listening to music and somewhere in my head when I realized I had missed the dead end street entrance about a block and a half away. Oh well, I will do that another day. I did get in 30 minutes though and that is good enough.

Today could be called an errand day.

1. I had my pysch doc's appointment. When I arrived I was told I wasn't on the books for today. Uh huh, I have an appointment card showing today was the day. Today I learn my dosage for Celexa needs to be reduced by 20 mgs because anything over 40 mgs has found to cause serious side affects.

In discussing the possibility that Remeron is interfering with my diabetes medication, pysch doc asked me to call my PCP and request a fax be sent to him showing all of my lab results so he can make an informed decision on which way to go medicinally. That change will happen when I go in to see him next month.

2. Stopped off at the Dollar Store. Man what a store! I can procure three small boxes of dishwasher soap at $1 a box and have more product for less money than if I purchase a large box of Cascade and I like Cascade.

3. Go to the Salvation Army for our monthly bag of provisions. Today we received some chicken thighs. For the extras we acquired some cans of Diet Coke and regular Coke. I found some sample tubes of shampoo and conditioners, hand and body lotions, and some cute bars of bath soap. The goods looked like they might have been taken from hotel stashes. Michael found some fresh dill and I found some fun cookie cutters. Not that I have ever used cookie cutters in my life but one never knows. And last but not least, they had some leftover Easter candy - my favorite - Peeps! For Michael I picked him up a bag of Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans. He was a happy camper when he saw those.

My day ended with my attendance at the weekly Friday night Al-Anon meeting. Although I was tired, I am so glad I came. There was a lot of good, heart-felt sharing and I needed to hear it.

So with that, I'm heading for my chair. Jay Lenno has Meatloaf on and then Jimmy Fallon has Bruce Springsteen as a guest. One cannot go wrong with either of those two musicians.

Mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The Camel Club" - David Baldacci


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