
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Just a Regular Day
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I slept but then I had another one of those busy dreams. This one was about working in an office. I needed to leave but there was no one around to take over. I kept going back and forth of finding someone and then they would disappear. I REALLY needed to leave but I didn't want to leave the office untended. When I did wake up, I was feeling anxious and off key.

My morning was made better by DH because he brought me breakfast in bed. Oh yum!

I feel like I am in a fog.

I did meditate. For today's physical activity I decided to do some weight training. It is a bit of a challenge because I only have free weights and no bench. My ottoman does double duty for that.

I feel I'm beginning to feel the difference in the lower dosage of my estrogen medication. Although I did not notice any night sweats last night, I am flushing quite a bit today. I need to get into town to check out the health food store for a homeopathic remedy.

I cleaned up and got ready for the day. That man of mine was kind enough to trim up my bangs for me since the last time I did them myself and they weren't level. I left them alone until they grew out some and DH just evened them up.

Then there was the tussle with the clasp on my Medic Alert daily bracelet. I decided I wanted to wear my blue-beaded one for a change. The daily bracelet, I feel, is made to never come off easily and the clasp makes it so. Thank heavens there are two of us here because there is no way I could do this by myself.

After this, we run errands:

1. Copy store. I needed a copy of my letter to the housing authority regarding the change in the food stamps. If you don't paper them for every little change in your household, they hold all kinds of nasty stuff over your head to get you into line. I have 10 days in which to do this notifying. Last year, because we didn't notify them about using some of the funds from my mutual fund, they wanted to raise our rent over $100 a month. This was not affordable and we asked for an informal hearing. It came out in our favor and our rent was only raised a few dollars. The main lesson, paper them with everything. I can only imagine how fat our file is by now. Plus, I keep copies because I don't trust them.

2. Stop off at the post office to mail said notification. Bonus! No mail and there was none in our box across the street either. No news is definitely good news.

3. Last stop was the pharmacy to pick up one of my medications and to advise them of the medications I wouldn't be taking any longer. Whoo hoo, this may drop my medication bill down a few dollars.

Now home. I am mildly stressed because I thought there was to be a potluck tonight at the meeting. Luckily for me I had texted a friend and told her I was stressing. Her reply was that the potluck is next Monday. Whew! Now I can plan for it next week.

Now the household is quiet as my two guys (DH and Bailey the cat) are napping and I am responding to e-mail of which I am terribly behind and writing this entry.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful day. I shall see you all tomorrow.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The Camel Club" - David Baldacci


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