
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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A Trying Day
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Today began well enough, the sun is out and it's warm all ready at 8:30 a.m. For some reason I was wide awake at 7:30 a.m. I don't know why but I got up. I gathered all my clothes that needed laundering and headed for the laundromat.

I have been putting this chore off for a couple of days now and I really need some clean clothes. Of course, I went off without my cell phone (it had crossed my mind to call Michael but realized I can't do that without my phone, duh!) or my morning medications. Okay, I can be without my phone as I was not expecting any calls and I can take my meds when I return home.

At 8:45 a.m. my knight in shining armor appears with my phone, my meds, and a bottle of water. What a guy! This is good since he got out of the apartment and got in some walking since I had the truck. We chatted for a bit and then he walked back home. I'm glad we live about a block away as I'm sure Michael would not have brought everything over if the laundromat had been farther away.

Laundry done and put away, I get ready to go to my P-doc appointment. This is where the day begins to go downhill. I arrive 10 minutes early. The office is dark (I can see through the glass door) and the door is locked. My appointment is for 1:30 p.m. I wait and still no one comes to the door to unlock it. I knock on the door. I call the P-doc's assistant and leave a message that I'm outside the door waiting to get in for my appointment. Still, no one comes. I finally call the main office to find out what is going on. They show that the doc's assistance is not in the office today and I'm not down for an appointment. They switch me over to the assistant's voice mail and this time I leave a perturbed message. I wonder what excuse they will have this time. Last month, I wasn't on the calendar even though I had a card that said I had an appointment today. Grrr.

All is not lost because we had planned to go to the Salvation Army for our monthly provisions. I also found a pair of shorts that fit Michael and me, three paperback books to read.

On the way home, we stop off at the pharmacy to pick up my needles for my insulin pen. Thinking that all diabetic supplies were free, noooo, my co-pay is $32.95. I don't have that kind of money. On top of that, instead of the pen needles, the dietician had called in syringes. The top pharmacist was there and he said he could get the generic brand of pen needles for half the cost.

I have to come home to check the bank account to see if I have any money. Before I check the money, I call my health insurance to check on free supplies versus a co-pay. Alas, I do have to pay a co-pay but for the $32+ I get a three months supply. Okay, that sounds better because it means I would be paying a little over $10 a month for the needles. I check the bank account, if I transfer over what money I have set aside for my dental work, I will have enough to pay for the box of needles.

Back to the pharmacy, Pharmacist Joe, sets me up with the generic needles and Michael drives me home again.

Finally I sit down. I begin checking out the box of needles, thank heavens I didn't open them because instead of being 5mm they are 8mm. Aaach! I call Pharmacist Joe and he says no problem, bring that box back and he will switch them out for a box of 6mm needles. Even though I am getting used to sticking myself, the thought of a longer needle gave me the heebee geebees. One more time to the pharmacy and retrieve the box of 6mm needles.

I can see I am really going to need my meeting tonight to let go of this thing. I still haven't opened the box yet but I do some quick figuring in my head because at 100 needles per box for $16.72 and I don't need a prescription for these, that is a much better deal than 90 needles for $32.95. Hmmm, I think I have found a steal!

During all of this running around, I had been slow cooking a crockpot of beans. I can hardly wait to have some when I return home tonight.

It was a good meeting tonight with some heartfelt sharing. It seems that our core group of people have been together long enough that we really feel safe in sharing what is going on in our lives whether it be good or not so good. I also notice that we are hugging more. And, would you believe there are two Ems at this meeting. I told the other Em as we were leaving that when I would reach out to other members by phone I would be told I didn't sound like me because they thought they were talking to her. I would reply they were talking to the Em the younger instead of Em the elder. She had a good laugh at that one.

What I brought home from the meeting was this:

1. Recovery is not a straight line.
2. Take a time out when needed.
3. Happiness is in my power.
4. How do I really feel?
5. Do I have a sense of excitement?
6. Appreciation.
7. Do I remember to exhale?
8. I'm not headed anywhere but I am on my way.

I'm home in time to watch the season finally of Grimm and a bowl of beans and some greens.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- " Cold Fire" - Dean Koontz


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