
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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A Week's Summation
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"The key to good decision making is not knowledge. . . It's whether our work fulfills us." - Malcolm Gladwell, his book "Outliers."

I just don't know where the week has gone. I have entries made up of various parts of the week but I chose not to do individual entries and instead, I decided to do one entry covering all the days I did not post. So, here goes:

Wednesday - June 13:

I am pushing to get done two major projects:

1. Finish the paperwork for the housing authority, and

2. Finish my part of the literature inventory and be able to get the necessary information to the Al-Anon Chair for her to make the order for the literature for the convention. This job is basically done except that I am waiting for information from my mentor.

After Tuesday's busy day, I am slow going today. I even sleep in, though I have been attempting to get up earlier to have time to do the things that take care of me.

One of the self care items was I went for a walk today. I decided to do a partial loop I used to do when I lived over on Paso Robles Ave. By the time I made it to Baywood Park, I thought I might call Michael to come and get me. But no, I kept telling myself just take one more step and I did. Then when I got to 11th Street, I thought again about calling Michael but no, I kept taking steps.

I also got a couple of shots, one of, you guessed it, another mailbox and one of pretty red flowers which I have noted below.

Another mail box

What's with it with me and finding mailboxes appealing?

Red Flowers

A lovely red flowers which I have no idea what they are.

After an hour and forty-three minutes, I made it home. Whew, did I feel tired; nothing like walking off stress and pushing to get things done.

I also took some time to color in my journal to spice up my pages. Then fatigue took over and the rest of the afternoon was spent napping so much for getting more done today.

Thursday - June 14:

I was able to get up early this morning to do my meditation, showering and other stuff I like to do.

After reviewing the housing authority questionnaire, I was confident in I had answered all the questions and could put that paperwork in the file. Now I need to collect all the documentation requested. I have everything they need and what is left is to copy off documents for our files and copy some of the documents for their files. Basically it is done except to get a print out from the pharmacy. I can see the finish line!

From yesterday's walk I feel really tired and my body is achy. I'm glad I am taking it easy today.

As I worked at my L-top from the dining room table, I note the sparrows have found their way back to my seed on the patio. It is nice to watch them use the birdbath and take some food before flying off to else where. I also saw a humming bird which means I need to get the feeder out for them.

In amongst all my doing, I forgot to take my blood glucose reading and the eating of any breakfast. Sometimes I wonder that my not being hungry in the morning is because we tend to eat a late dinner.

When I took my glucose reading, I had to gasp, my number was 92. OMGoodness! It has never been this low before. I will have to take this up with the dietician. I immediately had something to eat.

I am multi-tasking like crazy today. I am working on the paperwork for the housing authority, doing what I can for the Al-Anon literature, reading and responding to e-mail, paying the last two bills, changing my mailing address to my residence address, taking phone calls, and playing a game or two of computer games. Have I mentioned how much I dislike multi-tasking? Well I do because by the end I'm wound up and stressed out.

I ended up taking a short nap before I shut down for the day.

Friday - June 15:

The big news of the day is it is Michael's birthday. I did find a birthday card and had that out on his coffee table prior to his arising. Later, I made him breakfast of bacon and eggs which he liked. Later in the day one of our best girlfriends called to wish him a happy one.

I had some to do's to do but other than that I rearranged my day so I could spend it with Michael.

The day is windy but partly sunny. I need to make another walk today but I am not feeling up to it. So, instead, I make sure I get up and do stuff around the apartment.

Michael drives me around to do errands and then we go over to one of the food banks we go to. A nice surprise was we (the ladies) got a bouquet of flowers. Michael fixed them up for me and they are now sitting on the dining room table for me to enjoy.

Instead of going to my meeting, I stayed home to be with Michael. For dinner, we made pizzas using the Boboli pizza dough we got through the food bank. It came with the tomato sauce. All we had to add was pepperoni and parmesan cheese. They came out rather good since I have never used the Boboli pizza dough before. Also with dinner we had leftover salad. Michael added a few more veggies and we had canned shrimp to add. A very tasty salad.

Thus was Michael's birthday.

Saturday - June 16:

Now here I am in today. It is sunny and warm. If I remember correctly, the weather person said the temps today would be in the low 70s. Hee haw, a wonderful day to have the windows and sliders open today.

Both of us were slow to rise this morning. Instead of following my usual morning routine, I went at it with ease.

Today we are going to the food bank we went to last Saturday with our friend M. We got lots of good stuff and we still have the rest of the day to rest and relax.

I had thought I would do some laundry today but no. I will do that tomorrow. As Michael said, I have been so busy this week. I agreed with him. Instead of doing, I sat in my chair and read my book, petted Bailey and ate some peanuts.

A nice relaxing day I must say.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The City and The City" - China Mieville

"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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