
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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"Many of us do not understand what we are responsible for and what we are not responsible for. We may believe we have to get into a tizzy when someone has a problem because it is our responsibility to do that. However, at the heart of most rescues is a demon: low self-worth. We rescue because we don't feel good about ourselves . . . caretaking provides us with a temporary hit of good feelings, self-worth, and power. Just as a drink helps an alcoholic momentarily feel better, a rescue move momentarily distracts us from the pain of being who we are. We don't feel loveable, so we settle for being needed. We don't feel good about ourselves, so we feel compelled to do a particular thing to prove how good we are." - Melody Beattie, page 90 from "Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself"

Whoa, it seems my quotes are becoming as big as my entries. Although I do find I can relate to these quotes. How about you, are you relating to them dear reader?

Since I have been feeling overwhelmed with life in general, I have been slowly attempting to live in one minute at a time. It does seem to make life a little easier. I have been going through "my" have to read daily books and chose to read only two. The rest have been put into my bookcase for a later time. Maybe four books as a have to is too much for me right night.

I have been working on my hot spots at my chair and my space at the dining room table. To clean up the clutter, put away books I'm not using that frequently. I feel these small baby steps are making a difference to me.

Then there are the computers (L-tops). Both our L-tops are acting up. Why together is beyond me other than they like company. Michael's machine is acting much worse than mine. Still what we are experiencing is hair pulling. Today, begins for me to copy off my wanted stuff onto zip drives. Although last night my computer when into hibernation mode. A question mark popped into my head. Then I discovered the AC power connection had come unplugged and I had been working off the battery which doesn't have a lot of life left in it. Once I connected the power cord I was in operation mode. Boy that was an easy fix. Still, I'm doing the back up.

It is still a good idea to do a clean up of files and back up the ones I want to keep, just in case Esmeralda does decided to leave this world.

I have not put my thoughts into the Aurora, Colorado shooting spree at the mid-night showing of the "Dark Knight."

I have not watched the news since Friday. I do know the law enforcement officers have gotten into the shooter's apartment and removed the explosives from there.

What was in this guy's mind? Of course, this question may be answered by now. Still, what were the motives?

I just don't understand people like this. If one is angry about something there are other ways to resolve the problem. Maybe he did work for the list and this was the last solution to his situation. Who's to know?

My prayers go out to the community and all of those who were directly affected by this person's actions. May the Great Spirit surround this community and love them through this tragedy. We as individuals add our own prayers to the Higher Power of our understanding in healing this situation.

And then we pray some more for the rest of the world that everyone can live in peace.

I'm a little irritable today.

I did begin my morning, before getting out of bed, stating: "Good morning Goddess, let's have some fun today."

It seems to be helping as the irritation is still at the edges of my space.

I have partially cleaned up the kitchen - this brings on a good feeling.

Bailey has been groomed - This feels good too.

I'm on my second cup of tea - I like this.

Today we are going to attempt to go see the "Dark Knight Rising." We are Batman fans so we do want to see the end of the trilogy. I do hope it is as good as the trailers are showing.

If we don't go to the show, I'm going to work on my back patio. The bottle brush bush is dropping dead flowers all over and, of course, there is the chaff from the bird seed I have put out.

It seems the gopher is pretty much gone to greener pastures. I'm seeing fewer humps in the dirt. I checked my Roma tomato plant and I have five tomatoes in various states of growth. Yum, I see tomatoes in my future.

Michael says I need to stop planning so far ahead. Right now, just be writing my entry. I feel my entry has come to an end for today.

I hope everyone has a delightful Sunday.

mz. em

Currently reading:

-- "House Magic - The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space" - Ariana

-- "The Crimson Petal and the White" - Michel Faber


"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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