Pics of Winnie and Shasta (rip)

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summer is finally here!


You Know It's Summer When...

You sleep in your bathing suit to get an early jump on your swimming in the morning.
The neighborhood is colored rainbow from all the beach towels and bathing suits hanging over fences to dry.
You wake up and your first choice of the day is whether to have chocolate or vanilla ice cream for breakfast.
You wake up not knowing what day of the week it is, and really not caring either.
The line at the snowball stand is as long as the line at the DMV.
You eat lunch in the pool.
You measure your time left not by the calendar, but by the extent of your tan, the amount of kids in your neighborhood yet to go on vacation, or the number of parents who’ve banished you from their yards...

There is a large rectangle burnt into the lawn in the backyard from the tent, where you’ve been living with your friends for practically weeks.
There is no “yesterday” or “tomorrow”, just “parents are home” (:smileysad or “parents are gone” (:smileyhappy.
You can hear every radio station available in your area playing all at once as you walk past your neighbors’ yards.
Barbecue is a food group, and it’s good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
You wander aimlessly through the woods for hours, looking for that perfect marshmallow-roasting stick.
You can tell the kids who own pools apart from those who don’t simply by the strength of the chlorine scent they emit. (or by how much of the neighborhood calls their house “summer camp”)
“School” is only mentioned in the same sentence as “Let’s go vandalize...”
Stubbed toes and slip ‘n’ slide injuries are the most common complaints at the local hospital.
“Sleepover” means anything but; no one will sleep and you hardly ever stay at the location the “sleepover” is taking place.
Your parents mark the days on the calendar until school STARTS, just as you had marked the days until it ended.
Balloons are impossible to find at any dollar store, but you’re 100% guaranteed to find one stuck to your house or car, with any various liquid leaking from it.
You refuse to get out of the pool unless “you are absolutely sure that was lightning, and it was less than 5 seconds since you heard the thunder...”
You have the seat imprint from your car branded onto your ass.
What are some surefire signs you've seen that let you know it's really summer?


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